MCA >>> Rules of Cricket
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  The Preamble - The Spirit of Cricket
Tournament Registration, Renewal and Entry
Conducting of Tournaments
Conducting of Matches
Protests and Appeals
Punishment and Penalties
Playing Conditions
For the matches played on League/Knockout basis
other than limited overs and Kanga League matches
Duration of Matches
Stopping a Match before a schedule close of play
The Players
The Umpires
The Ball
The Pitch
Preparation and maintenance of playing area
Covering the Pitch
Start of Play; Cessation of Play
Awarding the Match
No Ball
Wide Ball
The Wicket Keeper
The Fielder
Fair and Unfair Play
Calculation of Over-Rate
Penalty for Slow Over-Rate
Final Match
Playing Conditions
For one day limited overs matches
Duration of Matches
Hours of Play and Interval
Interval Between Innings
Interval for Drink
Length of Innings
Calculation of Over-Rate
Penalty for Slow Over-Rate
Restriction on Placement of Fieldsmen
Number of Overs per Bowler
No Ball
Wide Bowling-Judging a Wide
Run Rate
Rules and Nature of Conduct of Club Tournaments
Senior Tournaments
Junior Tournaments
Restricted Tournaments
Registration of Players Rules
Ground and Other Charges Payable
Honorarium to Umpires
  Honorarium to Scorers
Tournaments Registered with M. C. A.
School and College Tournaments
Open Tournaments-Senior
Open Tournaments-Junior
Restricted Tournaments
Selection Tournaments
Invitation Tournaments
Other Restricted Tournaments
Office Tournaments
The Preamble - The Spirit of Cricket
Cricket is a game that owes much of its unique appeal to the fact that it should be played not only within its Laws but also within the Spirit of the game. Any action which is seen to abuse this spirit causes injury to the game itself. The major responsibility for ensuring the spirit of fair play rests with the captains.

1. There are two Laws which place the responsibility for the team’s conduct firmly on the captain.
Responsibility of captains
The captains are responsible at all times for ensuring that play is conducted within the Spirit of the Game as well as within the Laws.
Player’s conduct
In the event of a player failing to comply with instructions by an umpire, or criticising by word or action the decisions of an umpire, or showing dissent, or generally behaving in a manner which might bring the game into disrepute, the umpire concerned shall in the first place report the matter to the other umpire and to the player’s captain, and instruct the latter to take action.

2. Fair and unfair play
According to the Laws the umpires are the sole judges of fair and unfair play. The umpires may intervene at any time and it is the responsibility of the captain to take action where required.

3. The umpires are authorised to intervene in cases of :
* Time wasting
* Damaging the pitch
Dangerous or unfair bowling
Tampering with the ball
Any other action that they consider to be unfair

4. The Spirit of the Game involves RESPECT for ;
Your opponents
Your own captain and team
The role of the umpires
The game’s traditional values

5.It is against the Spirit of the Game :
To dispute an umpire’s decision by word, action or gesture
To direct abusive language towards an opponent or umpire
To indulge in cheating or any sharp practice, for instance :
(a) to appeal knowing that the batsman is not out
(b) to advance towards an umpire in an aggressive manner when appealing
(c) to seek to distract an opponent either verbally or by harassment with persistentclapping or unnecessary noise under the guise of enthusiasm and motivation of one’s own side

There is no place for any act of violence on the field of play.

Captains and umpires together set the tone for the conduct of a cricket match. Every player is expected to make an important contribution to this.

MCA MODEL RULES - 2010 - 2011
1.These rules shall be called the MCA Model Rules.

2.These rules shall come into force on the date, approved by the Mumbai Cricket Association and declared accordingly by the Jt. Hon. Secretary of the Mumbai Cricket Association.

3.These rules shall be applicable, as may be amended from time to time, by the Association, for the conduct of tournaments in the area falling under the jurisdiction of Mumbai Cricket Association.
Definitions :

4. i. ‘Association means ‘Mumbai Cricket Association’ and shall include the Managing Committee of the Association and any of its Sub-Committee duly appointed by the Association.

ii.‘Area of operation’ shall mean the jurisdiction of the Mumbai Cricket Association including Mumbai District, Greater Mumbai District and Thane District.

iii.‘Affiliated Club’ means a maidan club, office club, gymkhana, school or college admitted by the Association as an ordinary member or associate member.

iv.a.‘Maidan Club’ shall mean and include Club, Gymkhana, Academy or any other teams participating in any tournament except

b. ‘Office Club’ shall mean the team comprising of employees of any Business House, PublicSector Undertakings, Banks etc.

c.School or College team shall comprise of bonafide students of that institution.

v.‘Laws of Cricket’ means the Laws of Cricket, code 2000 & 2nd edition 2003 in force and as adopted by BCCI, with or without modification.

vi.‘Over rate’ means the rate calculated by multiplying the actual time taken for completion of an innings expressed in hours by 15 or dividing the time taken for completion of innings expressed in minutes by 4.

vii.‘Season’ means a cricket season starting from 1st July of an year to 31st May next year.

viii.‘Senior Tournaments’ means the tournaments recognised by the Committee as Senior Tournaments for Maidan Clubs e.g. Purshottam, Comrade, Talim Shield Tournaments.

ix.‘Tournament’ means a Tournament approved by the Association and conducted within the area under control of the Association.

x.‘Tournament Rules’ means the rules framed by the Organising Committee of respective tournaments.

xi.‘Tournament Sub-Committee’ means the Sub-Committee formed by the organiser for the smooth conduct of their tournament and approved by the Association.

xii.‘Walkover’ - If a team has entered in the tournament and has not presented itself on the day of the match fixed according to the draw of the tournament, to play such match, it shall be deemed to have given a walkover.

Tournament Registration, Renewal and Entry
5. All the tournaments within the jurisdiction of the Association shall be registered with the Association on payment of a Registration fee prescribed by the Association from time to time.

6. Registration of tournament shall be renewed every year by filling up the prescribed proforma and accompanied by renewal fees as prescribed by the Association from time to time.

7. All tournaments shall be played as per the tournament rules circulated to the participating teams and approved by the Tournament Sub-Committee of the Association. The participating team shall not plead ignorance of any rules thus framed. The Tournament Sub-Committee must make the rules known to the teams before confirming their entry. Please note that merely by filling up an entry, a club is not guaranteed of participation in the tournament because the Tournament Sub-Committee of the Association will finalise the entries and draws as per the Association rules after the last date for receiving entries is over.

8. The Association shall have power to classify the tournament on the basis which may be decided by the Association, change such classification from time to time if necessary and such classification of the tournament shall be included in the annexure I to these rules.

9. Prize distribution of the tournament shall be held immediately on conclusion of the Tournament and definitely prior to the commencement of the Tournament next year.
Conducting of Tournaments

10.On intimation from the Tournament Sub-Committee, the club desirous of participating in the Tournament shall fill up the entry form giving all the details asked for and submit the same along with the prescribed entry fee. The Tournament Sub-Committee must issue a proper receipt for the same.

11.The non affiliated club if allowed to participate as per the tournament rules shall be required to pay deposit to the Association as may be prescribed in addition to entry fee of the tournament.

12.No affiliated club with MCA or Associate shall participate in any unregistered tournament.

13.Any club proceeding to participate in a tournament outside the jurisdiction of the Association, shall take the permission of the Association.

14.Any player registered with the Association shall intimate to the Association of his participation in any outstation tournament.

Conducting of Matches

15.Club shall be allowed to withdraw its entry before the draw of the tournament is finalised.

16.After the last date of entry of club, the respective tournament secretaries shall send to the Association the list of entries received for their tournament. The draw for all the tournament shall be held in the Association’s office or at a venue decided by the Tournament Sub-Committee in the presence of the Hon. Secretary of Tournament Sub-Committee or at least a member of the Tournament Sub-Committee deputed by him.

17.A club after having sent its entry and being included in the draw of the tournament, shall not withdraw its entry from the tournament except for some acceptable unavoidable circumstances.

18.The Tournament Sub-Committee of the Association shall fix the dates of the matches for the tournament as per the draw and allot ground for the matches.

19. The Tournament Sub-Committee of the Association thereafter shall send the draws well in advance along with the dates of the matches and the allotment of grounds to the respective Tournament secretary with a copy to the Hon. Secretary, Board of Umpires of the Association for finalising posting of umpires. Any pre/postponement, change in venue will be first approved by MCA Tournament Sub- Committee and intimated to the Hon. Secretary, Board of Umpires.

All tournaments shall be played as per MCC Laws 2000 and 2003 Code and model rule mentioned hereunder.

20.The matches shall be played strictly on the dates fixed and grounds allotted by the Tournament Sub- Committee of the Association.

21. The Board of Umpires shall appoint umpires for the matches and send the intimation of such appointment in writing to the concerned umpires.

22. No matches shall be postponed except that
a) If one of the participating clubs is required to play in two different tournaments on the same date

.b) Digging and damaging of the pitch during the match in such a manner that umpires are unable to start the match as provided in rules.

23. The Tournament Sub-Committee shall allot grounds for matches on the following basis:

a) If one of the participating clubs has a ground, and if the ground is available, then such ground of the participating club shall be allotted.

b) If both the participating clubs have grounds, and if both grounds are available then the ground of the club whose name is first in the draw, shall be allotted.

c) If ground of the club on top in the draw is not available, and if ground of the second club in draw is available, then that ground of the second club shall be allotted.

d) In case of clubs having ground but not available on the date fixed for the match and/or the club having no ground shall play matches on the ground fixed by the tournament committee.

24. Each club playing match shall pay half charges for use of ground along with charges payable to one umpire as fixed by the Committee and/or Tournament Sub-Committee.

25. Cricket balls of approved brands by the Association shall be used by the clubs for playing matches, unless the rules of the tournament prescribe use of particular brand of balls and/or the balls are supplied by the Tournament Sub-Committee.

26. In case of balls to be supplied by the Tournament Sub-Committee do not reach the venue of the match in time for any reason or prescribed balls are not made available by teams, then with the permission of both umpires, available balls of any brand approved by MCA in rule 6 of League & Knock-out matches and rule 3 of Limited Overs matches may be used for the match, provided both the teams are able to use same brand of balls.

27. The umpires appointed shall reach the ground on the match at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start of the play.

28. If any one or both the umpires appointed do not reach the ground 30 minutes before the scheduled start of play, the two captains shall proceed to appoint umpire/s of their choice and such umpires appointed by both captains shall officiate in the match. The umpires so appointed shall act as full fledged umpires.If a match is not played due to any disagreement between captains over the appointment of umpires, the defaulting team/s shall be debarred from further participation in the said tournament for the season.

29. If the pitch for the match is not prepared or is unfit for play, the umpires shall get a new pitch prepared on the same plot and start the match by adjusting the timing s,if possible. The umpires shall mention the reasons in writing in the Score-book in case the match could not be played or there is a delay in the start of the match.

30. Before the start of the match, the umpires appointed to officiate shall ensure that the teams have stock of old/used balls of approved brands and are kept ready.

31. No player and/or umpire shall use mobile phone after the scheduled start of the match and during the match on the field of play.

32. If during the progress of the match if the pitch is damaged for any reason, other than the damage caused by any player during the course of the game, the same damage shall be repaired and rolled and if it is not possible to repair the damage, the match shall be continued for the remaining period/overs of the match at the same score by preparing another pitch on the same plot. The umpires shall supervise and direct such repairs. The time lost shall not be accounted for and timings will be readjusted.

33. If it is not possible to prepare another pitch and start the match or continue due to unavoidable circumstances on the same day, the umpires shall so report and such match/es will be postponed and
played on any other day and on any ground as fixed by the tournament committee. Such matches will be played for the remaining number of overs/time and at the same score and same players.

34. Umpires may decide to call off match either for non reporting of the team/s for the match or for such other reasons where it is impossible to play the match. If a match is called off, the two umpires shall immediately record in the score-books if possible the reasons for such calling off and affix their signatures.

35. Wherever the tournament rules require, after the conclusion of the match and before leaving the ground captains of the participating clubs shall fill up and sign, put the time and date on reports of the captain in the form supplied by the Association and clubs shall ensure that the report so filled and signed by captain reach the office of the Association within next 5 working days during the office hours or are handed over to the Observer appointed for the match. Two separate reports shall be prepared by each captain.

36. Wherever the tournament rules require, immediately on conclusion of the match and before leaving the ground, each umpire shall fill up, sign and put the time on report of umpires in the form supplied by the Association and hand it over to the one of the clubs and the said club shall deliver it in the office of the Association or to the Observer if there is Match Observer appointed for the match. Two separate reports shall be prepared on each team.

37. Clubs will have their own scorers. The scorers shall make correct entries of the score during the match and shall complete the score-sheet in all respect at the conclusion of the match.Immediately on
conclusion of the match, the score-sheet thus prepared shall be signed by the umpires, captains and scorers confirming the correctness of the details entered therein.

38. In addition, wherever the tournament rules specify, the score-sheets duly completed as above shall be sent to the respective tournament sub-committee/MCA’s office within 5 days of the conclusion of the match.

39. In addition to the signing of score-sheets, the umpires shall also sign in the score-book certifying the correctness of the scores in figures and words at the conclusion of the match.

40. Wherever the tournament rules require, immediately on conclusion of the match, the captains shall prepare separate confidential reports on umpires officiating in the match, in the prescribed form and sign the same with time and date.

41. After completing the confidential reports on umpires as above, the same shall be put in a cover duly sealed in the presence of the observers, who will in turn sign with date on the envelopes.

42. It shall be the responsibility of the clubs to see that the reports reach the Hon. Secretary, Board of Umpires within 5 days of the completion of the match.

Protests and Appeals
43. Clubs shall not protest against any decision of umpire on point of fact or on use of balls (See rule-6 Balls).Any protest by the club on interpretation of these rules and/or Laws of cricket and/or concerned Tournament Rules shall be in writing along with prescribed protest fee Rs. 1,500/-. The protest shall be filed with the concerned tournament committee or the tournament committee of the Association within two working days from the day of the match and shall be made during the office hours of the Association.

44. The protest shall be decided by the concerned tournament committee, within five days. The protest fee shall be refunded, if the protest is upheld by the concerned tournament committee.

45. The club shall be entitled to appeal against any decision of the concerned tournament committee, adversely affecting it in any manner. The appeal shall be by the club in writing. The appeal shall be filed at the office of the Association along with the prescribed appeal fees, within two working days from day on which such decision was conveyed to the club.

46. On receipt of the appeal by the Association, the same shall be heard within seven days by calling the concerned persons.

47. The Association may investigate any matter on its own, if it thinks fit, in any irregularity or any complaint by any other person in respect of conducting of tournament or a match in the tournament and shall take such decision which it may think fit. However, such decision shall not be taken unless such person or the captain of team is given sufficient opportunity of being heard.

Punishment and Penalties
48.The clubs are allowed to play in any tournament registered with the Association. If it participates in any tournament not registered with the Association, such club shall not be allowed to participate in any tournament registered with the Association for such number of years as the Association may think fit.

49. If any player/s and umpire/s shall play or umpire, as the case may be, in any match or in the tournament not registered with the Association, without the prior permission of the Association,he/they shall not be allowed to play/umpire in any tournament registered with the Association for such number of years as the Association may think fit.

50. If without the prior permission of the Association, any tournament is not conducted for two consecutive years, such tournament shall be removed from the list of registered Tournaments maintained by the

51. If any club has found to have given walkover in any match, the opponent team shall be declared as winner. In case of league/knock out tournament, such team giving walkover shall not be allowed to
participate further in the tournament in the same year and shall not be given entry in the tournament in the next year.

52. A club withdrawing its entry after the draws of the tournaments are taken out, shall not be allowed to play in any tournament in that season and the next season.

53. Any club, captain of the club, any player, any umpire, any scorer and any other person connected with the conducting of tournament and/or match/es violating these model rules shall be punished with fine
and/or shall be debarred from further participating in the tournament for such number of years as the Association may decide.

54. No punishment or penalties shall be levied under this heading without giving proper opportunity of being heard to the club and/or the individual whom may be affected adversely if such punishment or penalty is finally levied. The decision of the Association shall be final and binding, and no appellant shall take recourse to any further action.

Playing Conditions

Playing conditions for the matches played on League/Knock out basis other than Limited overs and Kanga League matches.

1.Duration of matches

All matches of one day/one and a half day/ two days / three days / four or five days duration shall be of six hours of play each day unless specified.


Purshottam Shield

1½ Days


Young Comrade Shield

1½ Days


Police Invitation Shield

1½ Days

70 overs per side – including Semi finals. If side fielding first does not complete 70 overs in 280 minutes (4 hours and 40 minutes), the game will be extended till 70 overs are bowled, unless side is all out
before and penalty of 8 runs per over bowled short shall be levied. The same will apply for the side fielding second, unless the result is obtained earlier and penalty runs shall be levied. See rule 21-vii &
viii. However, limited over rules shall not be applicable.Side batting first can declare its innings.

Hours of play and intervals for the above mentioned tournaments shall be as follows:


2:00 p.m.


3:30 p.m.

(First Session)

3:30 p.m.


3.50 p.m.

(Tea Interval)

3.50 p.m.


5:35 p.m.

(Second Session)

10:00 a.m.


12:30 p.m.

(First Session)


12:30 p.m.


1:15 p.m.

(Lunch Interval)

1:15 p.m.


3:15 p.m.

(Second Session)

3:15 p.m.


3:35 pm.

(Tea Interval)

3:35 p.m.


5:20 p.m.

(Third Session)

Final will be of 3 days. 1st innings of each side of 90 overs and 2nd innings of each side will be of 40 overs. If any fielding side fails to complete 90overs in first innings in 6 hours, game will be extended till
they are completed(unless all out earlier) and penalty of 8 runs per over bowled short will be levied. If any fielding side fails to bowl 40 overs of 2nd innings in 2 hours and 40 minutes, game will be extended till 40 overs are completed and penalty for slow over rate shall be levied(8 runs per over bowled short) However no penalty for slow over rate shall be levied to side fielding last. (See rule 21). Side batting first can forfeit its second innings of 40 overs. The follow-on rule is not applicable for the above three tournaments.

The timing shall be as under

1st and

10:00 a.m.


12:00 noon

(First Session)

2nd day

12:00 noon


12.45 p.m.

(Lunch Interval)

12:45 p.m.


2:45 p.m.

(Second Session)

2:45 p.m


3:05 pm.

(Tea Interval)

3:05 p.m.


5:05 p.m.

(Third Session)

3rd day

10:00 a.m.


12:00 noon

(First Session)

12:00 noon


12.45 p.m.

(Lunch Interval)

12:45 p.m.


2:45 p.m.

(Second Session)

2:45 p.m.


3:05 pm.

(Tea Interval)

3:05 p.m.


4:35 p.m.

(Third Session)

d. K. C. Mahindra Shield

50 overs per side including Finals. Limited overs rules shall be applicable.

Hours of play and intervals for the above mentioned tournament shall be as follows: See rule length of innings 6-b,c,d of limited overs.

9.30 a.m.


1:00 p.m.

(First Session)

1:45 p.m.


1:45 p.m.

(Lunch Interval)

1.00 p.m.


5:15 p.m.

(Second Session)

e. Times of India Shield

i . A Division

League phase

3 Days

Semi Finals

4 Days


5 Days

Hours of play and intervals for the matches of this division shall be as follows:

10:00 a.m.


12:30 p.m.

(First Session)

12:30 p.m.


1:15 p.m.

(Lunch Interval)

1:15 p.m.


3:15 p.m.

(Second Session)

3:15 p.m.


3:35 p.m.

(Tea Interval)

3:35 p.m.


5:05 p.m.

(Third Session)



i . B Division

League phase & Semi finals

3 Days


4 Days

Hours of play and intervals for the matches of this division shall be as follows:

9:30 a.m.


12:00 noon

(First Session)

12:00 p.m.


12:45 p.m.

(Lunch Interval)

12:45 p.m.


2:45 p.m.

(Second Session)

2:45 p.m.


3:05 p.m.

(Tea Interval)

3:05 p.m.


4:35 p.m.

(Third Session)

iii. C & D Divisions

up to Quarter Finals

1 ½ Days

Semi Finals

2 Days


3 Days

Hours of play and intervals for the 1 ½ Day’s matches of these divisions shall be as follows:


2:15 p.m.


3:45 p.m.

(First Session)

3:45 p.m.


4:05 p.m.

(Tea Interval)

4:05 p.m.


5:35 p.m.

(Second Session)


10:00 a.m.


12:30 p.m.

(First Session)

12:30 p.m.


1:15 p.m.

(Lunch Interval)

1:15 p.m.



(Second Session)

3:15 p.m.


3:35 p.m.

(Tea Interval)

3:35 p.m.


5:05 p.m.

(Third Session)

Semi Finals & Finals will be played as per the above mentioned timings for Sunday i.e. full day.

iv. E & F Divisions

45 overs match

Hours of play and intervals for the matches of above mentioned tournament shall be as follows:

Week days

9:45 a.m

12:45 p.m.

(First Session)

12:45 p.m.

1:45 p.m.

(Lunch Interval)

1:45 p.m.

4:45 p.m.

(Second Session)


10:00 a.m.

1:00 p.m.

(First Session)

1.00 p.m

2.00 p.m.

(Lunch Interval)

2:00 p.m

5.00 p.m.

(Second Session)

Time Keeping:

The umpires shall duly synchronize their watches before the start of the match and the timings of start and draw of stumps shall be regulated accordingly.

2. Stopping a match before a schedule close of play.

i. A league match shall not be conceded or stopped before the scheduled close of play on the last day.

ii. Any match played on knock out basis except finals can be stopped before the scheduled close of play provided 1st innings result is achieved and only if both the captains agree to stop it

iii. Stopping of final match: Captains may mutually agree to stop the match if there is no interest left in the match.

3. Law 1 The Players

1.2 Nomination of players shall apply as modified.

The captain shall nominate only those players whose names are registered with the association before the toss in writing to the umpires in the prescribed format wherever required.

1.3 Captain

The person who goes for the toss shall be one of the nominated players. The deputy must also be one of the nominated players.


4. Law 2 Substitutes

2.5 Fielder absent or leaving the field shall apply as modified below.

If a fielder fails to take the field with his side at start of the match or at any time later or leaves the field during a session of play, the captain of his side shall inform the umpires the reason for the fielder’s absence. That fielder shall not thereafter come on to the field during a session of play without the consent of the umpire. The umpire shall give such consent as soon as practicable.

If a player is absent from the field for longer than 8 minutes.

i. The player shall not be permitted to bowl in that innings after his return until he has been on the field for at least that length of playing time for which he was absent. In the event of forfeiture or follow-on, this restriction will, if necessary, continue in to the second innings.

ii. The player shall not be permitted to bat unless or until, in the aggregate, he has returned to the field and/or his side’s innings has been in progress for at least that length of playing time for which he had
been absent or, if earlier, when his side has lost five wickets.

The restriction in (i) and (ii) above shall not apply if the player had suffered an external blow (as opposed to an internal injury such as a pulled muscle) whilst participating earlier in the match and consequently
been forced to leave the field. Nor shall it apply if the player has been absent due to very exceptional and wholly acceptable reasons (other than injury or illness).

he time lost for Tan unscheduled break in play shall be counted as the time on the field for any fielder who comes on to the field at the resumption of play.

Penalty for absence of either fielder or batsman shall not be carried over to the new day’s play.

5. Law 3 The Umpires.

The Umpires appointed for the match shall be present on the ground at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start of play. If any one or both the umpires appointed for the match does/do not reach the ground 30 minutes before the scheduled start of play, the two captains shall proceed to appoint umpire/s and such umpires appointed by both the captains shall officiate as full fledged umpires.

3.8 Fitness of Ground, Weather and Light

Umpires shall be the sole judges of the fitness of ground, weather and light for play from 45 minutes before the time fixed for the commencement of the match. If the Umpires disagree, the actual state of
things shall continue.

Law 3.9 suspension of play

The Umpire will suspend, or continue to suspend play for bad light when they consider that there is a risk of serious physical injury to batsman or where conditions are unfit for play.Amongst the facts to be considered are dark background, absence of sight screens, and the type of bowling. Before deciding to suspend play, or not to start play the umpires shall establish whether the captain of the batting team (the batsmen at the wicket may deputise for their captain) wishes to continue in unfit conditions: if so, his wishes shall be met.

Law 3.9 shall apply as under

The Umpires may review the situation as a consequence of a change of bowlers, if light conditions for batting have become more dangerous. The Umpires shall disregard any shadow on the pitch from any
permanent object on the ground.

However, If a shadow from the close in fielder falls across the striker half the pitch, the fielder must remain stationary from the time the bowler starts his run up and till the time striker has received the ball.
In the event of the fielder moving before the striker receives the ball, the Umpire at the bowlers end shall call and signal ‘dead ball’ if he considers that the striker has been put to disadvantage by the movement
of that fielder.

Interruption of play:

If there is any interruption of play due to rain, bad light, an injury to a player or an umpire or any such unavoidable circumstances, the time should be noted and while awarding the penalty runs the same should be deducted in calculating the duration of an innings.

6. Law 5 The Ball

a. i. S. G. Test – for Times Shield A division, Purshottam Shield, Young Comrade Shield.

(In case of Non-availability of S. G. Test balls, Stanford Sovereign balls may be used.)

ii. Stanford Sovereign – Padmakar Talim Shield.

iii. S. G. Test ball or Stanford Sovereign ball shall be used in the following tournaments.

a. Police Invitation shield.
b. K. C. Mahindra Shield.
c. R. F. S. Talyarkhan Shield.
d. BCHIP tournament.
e. Sportstar Trophy.
f. Shatkar Trophy.

However umpires should see only same brand of ball shall be used for all the matches in any of the above mentioned tournaments. (See rule 25-26)

Cricket balls of the following brands are approved by the association for the other tournaments.

a. Winsrex b. Maestro A c. Paddy 7 Star

b. The fielding Captain or his nominee may select the new ball in presence of the umpires at the start of an innings.

i. Balls of brands approved by the Association shall only be used in the tournaments registered with the Association.

ii. In is the responsibility of participating teams to see that sufficient specified brands of balls are made available or collected from Tournament Committee well in advance. The teams must also keep stock of old balls of similar as well as other brands of balls for replacement.

iii In case of balls to be supplied by the Tournament Sub-Committee do not reach the venue of the match in time for any reason or prescribed balls are not made available by teams, then with the permission of both umpires, available balls of any brand approved by MCA in rule 6 of League & Knock-out matches and rule 3 of Limited Overs matches may be used for the match. However no match can be stopped/not started on this account and no protest shall be entertained.

ivUmpires should ascertain before the start of the match that approved balls as above or as in above are available and the provision is adhered.

v. In the event of a ball becoming wet and soggy as a result of play in inclement weather,or is being affected by dew and/or in the opinion of the umpires, being unfit for play, the ball may be replaced by a ball of similar wear and tear and preferably of the same brand or from approved brands, even though it has not gone out of shape. Either bowler or batsman may raise the matter with the umpires and the umpire’s decision as to a replacement or otherwise will be final.

vi. Each fielding team shall have one new ball for each innings.

vii.The Umpires shall retain possession of the match ball throughout the duration of the match when play is not actually taking place. I.e. at the fall of a wicket, drinks interval, or any other disruption in play.

During play umpires shall periodically and irregularly inspect the condition of the ball (Also see rule 25 & 26).

Law 5.4 New Ball.

The captain of the fielding side shall have the choice of taking a new ball any time after 80 overs have been bowled with the previous ball. However new ball shall be compulsorily taken after 100 overs have
been bowled with the old ball.

In calculating the number of overs bowled, an over not completed by one bowler getting incapacitated and thereafter completed by another bowler shall count as only one over.

The over in which a new ball is taken irrespective of the number of balls has been bowled in that over with the previous ball, shall be the first over for the purpose of calculation for the next new ball.

Law 5.5 Ball Lost or becoming unfit for play.

The following shall apply in addition to law 5.5

From the moment the lost ball is called by any fieldsman or the ball is lost after crossing over the boundary line, the umpires shall continue the game uninterrupted by use of another spare ball of similar wear and tear kept ready with the scorer. Further search of the lost ball is to be carried out by others who are not involved in the game and the game shall continue with the substitute ball if the original ball is not found. The lost ball, if found some time later, shall be brought in to play at the end of the over in progress.

(The umpires are empowered to assess and review the same and inform the captains accordingly.)

7. Law 7 The Pitch.

In addition to the law 7.3, the following will apply.

Captains, Umpires and grounds men should cooperate to ensure that, prior to the start of any day’s play, no one bounces the ball on the pitch or strikes it with the bat to assess its condition or for any other reason, or causes damage to the pitch in any other way.

Prior to the start of play on any day only the captain may inspect the pitch to assess its condition. Spiked footwear is expressively prohibited.

If the umpires are of the opinion that the pitch which is already prepared is not fit enough to commence the play, they shall make every effort to improve the condition of the pitch so that match could be played.
However, if they are of the opinion that there is a possibility of the match being played by preparing another pitch on the same plot or square and start the match by adjusting the timings, if possible they can do so subject to the condition that the toss has not taken place.

The umpires shall mention the reasons in writing in the score book if the match could not be played or the start is delayed for the above mentioned reason.

During the progress of the match if the pitch is damaged for any reason, the same damage shall be repaired and rolled for the match to be continued for the remaining period/overs at the same score. The umpires shall supervise and direct such repairs. However, if it is not possible to repair the damage, another pitch on the same plot shall be prepared under the supervision and guidance of the umpires and the match shall be continued for the remaining period/overs from the same score.

If it is not possible to prepare another pitch and continue on the same day, the umpires shall report and such match/es will be postponed and played on any other day and on any other ground as fixed by the
tournament committee. Such matches will be played for the remaining period or for the remaining number of overs at the same score.

8. Law 10 Preparation and maintenance of playing area.

Law 10.1 Rolling with addition as under.

Before the toss umpires must ascertain the availability of rollers and inform both the captains that only those rollers will be used during the course of the match. If such available rollers are being used at the
adjacent pitch, the umpires may wait and delay the start after getting the pitch rolled and the playing time shall be extended by that much length caused by delay to compensate the time lost.

Law 10.3 Mowing

In one and a half days match there shall be no mowing on the second day of the match.

In a match of two or more days duration the pitch shall be mown on every alternate day on which play is expected to take place, provided ground and weather conditions permit i.e. in a match of two days/three
days mowing shall take place on the 2nd day and in a match of four/five days mowing shall take place on the 2nd and 4th day. However if there is no play possible on the day of mowing, it shall be mown on the subsequent day on which game is going to take place and thereafter on alternate day. There shall be no mowing of the outfield at any time during the match.

9. Law 11 Covering the pitch

The pitch or any part thereof shall not be covered after 9.30 a.m. on the previous day of the match and for the duration of the match, unless any special regulation provides.

Drying of the pitch

Prior to 45 minutes before the scheduled start of the match on the 1st day, the artificial drying of the pitch and the outfield shall be at the discretion of the groundsmen. Thereafter and throughout the match
drying of the outfield may be undertaken at any time by the roundsmen,if directed by the umpires and subject to weather conditions.

Artificial drying of the pitch is expressively prohibited at any time during the match.

10. Law 15 Intervals

Law 15.2 (a) i. shall be replaced by the following

Lunch interval, if not mentioned specifically in the timings for any particular tournament, will be of 60 minutes duration. If an innings ends within 10 minutes or less of the time agreed for the lunch interval, lunch will be taken immediately and will be of 60 minutes from that time and the tea interval will be at scheduled time.

Law 15.5 shall not apply.

Tea Interval:

Circumstances provided in law 15.5, 7, 8, 10. shall not apply.

However if an inning ends within 10 minutes or less of the time agreed for the tea interval, tea will be taken immediately and will be of 20 minutes from that time and close of play will be at scheduled time.

Drinks Interval:

The provisions of law 15.9 shall be strictly observed except that under conditions of extreme heat the umpires may permit extra intervals for drinks.

An individual player may be given a drink either on the boundary edge or at the fall of a wicket, on the field, provided that no playing time is wasted. No other drinks shall be taken onto the field without the permission of the umpires. Any player taking drinks on to the field shall be dressed in proper cricket attire.

Each day there shall be three drink intervals, one between the commencement of play and lunch, (In case of 1st session is of 2 1/2 hours duration, an extra drinks interval shall be permitted if the umpires and the captains decide before the toss) the second between lunch and tea, and the third between tea and close of play. Except on the last day of the match in the last session, the drinks interval shall not be taken unless the game has been in progress for 60 minutes since last break/interval or between 15 minutes before the next interval. However on the last day of the match in the last session, drinks shall be taken after 25 minutes of the game after tea to enable the umpires to commence the mandatory overs.

11. Law 16 Start of play; Cessation of play

Law 16.6 is amended as follows:

Instead of a minimum of 20 mandatory overs, a minimum of 15 overs must be bowled in the last hour of the match.

12. Law 19 Boundaries.

Law 19.1 with addition as under:

i. No fieldsman shall be outside the boundary line(marked or imaginary) at the instant of the delivery. If any fieldsman is found outside the boundary at the instant of the delivery, either umpire shall call and
signal no ball.

ii. Any person other than the member of the fielding side enters the playing area and handles the ball in play, the umpire at the bowlers end shall be the sole judge of whether the boundary allowance should be scored or the ball be treated as still in play or call dead ball if any of the batsman is liable to be run out as a result of the unauthorized person handling the ball.The Umpires will inform the captain about this provision at the time of toss.

No catch shall be valid of any obstruction within the playing area such as branch of tree, poles, goalpost and cable or electric wires hanging in air.

13. Awarding the match

Law 21.3 with addition as under

The umpires may decide to call off the match after waiting for a minimum of 1 hour after the scheduled start either for non reporting of team/s or for any other reason where it is impossible to play the match. If a match is called off, the two umpires shall immediately record in the score book if possible the reasons for such calling off with their signatures.

Forfeiture of innings will be applicable for second innings only.


14. Law 24 No ball

Law 24.1 b shall be replaced by the following

The bowler may not deliver the ball underarm. If a bowler bowls a ball underarm, the umpire shall call and signal no ball followed by dead ball.


5. Law 25 Wide ball

Guidelines to the umpires for judging a wide ball

On the offside/leg side of the striker, in the opinion of the umpire, if the ball passes beyond the reach of
the striker from where he is standing and would have passed wide of him standing in a normal guard
position and thereby denying reasonable opportunity to the striker to play a normal cricket stroke, umpire
shall call and signal “wide ball”

However for bowler whom the umpire considers to be bowling down the leg side as a negative tactics,
interpretation of the limited overs wide will be applied as follows:

Any leg side delivery which in the opinion of the umpire does not give the batsman a reasonable
opportunity to make a normal stroke shall be a wide. As a guide, on the leg side a ball landing clearly
outside the leg stump going further away shall be called wide.

For bowlers attempting to utilize the rough outside the batsman’s leg stump, not necessarily as a
negative tactics, the strict limited overs wide interpretation shall be applied.

16. Law 32 Caught

Add the following to law 32.1

The striker is out under this law if the ball is deflected from his bat onto the helmet of either batsmen and a fair catch is taken. Runs may be scored off the deflections from the batsman’s or fielder’s helmet.

17. Law 40 The Wicket-Keeper

Law 40.2 shall not apply.

18. Law 41 The Fielder

Law 41.3 shall apply with the following additions.

The exchanging of protective equipment between members of the fielding side on the field shall be permitted provided that the umpires do not consider that it constitutes a deliberate waste of playing time.

The following will apply to the batsman:

A batsman may only change other items of protective equipment provided that there is no deliberate waste of playing time.

A batsman may call for a helmet at any time. He must then wear or carry it personally all the time while play is in progress, or can send it off the field at the fall of wicket, or at the end of an over, or at any drinks interval.

In all the above cases, no actions involving helmets of either side are to waste playing time.Umpires are not to hold helmets.

If a helmet belonging to the fielding side is placed behind the wicket keeper and the ball while in play strikes it, the ball shall become dead and 5 penalty runs shall be awarded to the batting side.


19. Law 42 Fair and Unfair play

Law 42.3 The match ball changing its condition.

i. Delete law 42.3 (e) (ii) and replace with the following.

Inform the captain of the fielding side of the reason for the action taken.

In addition to law 42.3 the following shall apply

In the event that a ball has been tampered with and requires replacement, the umpires shall choose the ball of similar wear and tear as the ball in use prior to the contravention from the stock of other balls of various degree of usage (including a new ball) preferably of the brand in use or any other approved brand

A. Law 42.6 Dangerous and unfair bowling- Bowling of fast short pitched balls.

the bowlers end shall indicate the bowler and the striker when the first and second fast short- pitched deliveries have been bowled in that over.

Law 42.6 (a) shall be replaced by the following

a. A fast short-pitched ball is defined as a ball which passes or would have passed above the shoulder height of the batsman standing upright at the crease.

b. A bowler shall be limited to bowl two fast short-pitched deliveries per over. The umpire at the bowlers end shall indicate the bowler and the striker when the first and second fast short-pitched deliveries have been bowled in that over.

c. Third or any subsequent such delivery in that over shall be called as no ball by the bowler’s end umpire.

d . In addition for the purpose of this regulation and subject to clause 42.4.1 (f) that passes above the batsman’s head to an extent that it prevents the batsman from being able to hit it with his bat by
means of a normal cricket stroke, the umpire shall call the delivery wide (unless it is the 3rd or more short pitched delivery in the over in which case he shall call no-ball).

e. Any fast short-pitched delivery that is called a no ball under the other provisions of law 24 (no ball) shall also count as one of the allowable short pitched deliveries in that over.

Law 42.6 Dangerous and unfair bowling-Action by the umpire.

i In the event of a bowler bowling more than two fast short pitched deliveries in any over as defined in (a) above, the umpire at the bowler’s end on each occasion shall call and signal no ball and then tap the head with the other hand as a differential signal to signify a fast short-pitched delivery.

ii.If a bowler bowls the third fast short pitched delivery in an over the umpire at the bowlers end shall adopt the procedure of caution, final warning, action and report as set out in law 42.7.

B. Law 42.6 (b) Dangerous and unfair bowling- Bowling of fast high full pitched ball with addition as under (Action by the umpires).

i. In the event of the bowler bowling a high full pitched ball (a beamer) as defined in the law,the umpire at the bowler’s end shall adopt the following procedure: In the first instance the umpire shall call and
signal no ball and when the ball is dead caution the bowler and issue a first and final warning. The umpire shall inform the other umpire, captain of the fielding side and the batsman of what has occurred.

a. At the first repetition call and signal no ball and when the ball is dead direct the captain of the fielding side to take the bowler off forthwith and to complete the over with another bowler, provided that the bowler does not bowl two overs or part thereof consecutively.

b. Not to allow the bowler, thus taken off, to bowl again in the same innings.

c. At the first opportunity report the occurrence with the other umpire, to the captain of the batting side and to the executive of the fielding side and to the concerned tournament committee responsible for the conduct of the match and the association,who shall take such action as is considered appropriate against the captain and bowler concerned.

C. Law 42.7 Dangerous and unfair bowling

Regardless of any action taken by the umpire as a result of a breach of clauses as given in A above the following shall apply at any time during the match.

The bowling of fast short pitched balls is unfair if the umpire at the bowler’s end considers that by their repetition and taking in to account their length, height, and direction, they are likely to inflict physical
injury to the striker, irrespective of the protective equipment he may be wearing.The relative skill of the striker shall also be taken into consideration.

In the event of such unfair bowling, the umpire at the bowler’s end shall adopt the procedure as set out in law 42.7.

Please note that should the umpire initiate the caution and warning procedure as set out in A, B & C above such cautions and warnings shall be cumulative. Should a bowler be cautioned under clause A
(more than two deliveries above the shoulder height in an over) and then infringe under clause B (High full pitched balls) or clause C (Dangerous and unfair bowling) he will not be issued fresh caution every time but, It will be his final warning.

Law 42.14 Batsman damaging the pitch:

Umpire shall instruct the batsmen contravening this law to change the shoes.

Law 42.17 Penalty runs:

Penalty of 5 runs under laws

2.6 (player returning without permission),
18.5 (b) (Deliberate short runs)
42.3 (d) (iii) (changing the condition of the match ball)
42.4 (b) (i) (deliberate attempt to distract striker)
42.5(b) (iv) (deliberate distraction or obstruction of batsman)
42.9 (b) (i) (Time wasting by the fielding side)
42.10 (b) (i) (batsman wasting time)
42.13 (b) (i) (fielder damaging the pitch)
42.14 (c) (ii) (batsman damaging the pitch)
42.16 (batsmen stealing a run)

(shall be applicable in Times Shield A division only. However Law 41.2 fielding the ball and Law 41.3 hitting the helmet kept behind will be applicable in all Tournaments.)

Law 42.18 Player’s conduct

Captains are responsible at all times for ensuring that play is conducted within the spirit of the game as well as within the laws.

i. Players and team officials shall not disclose or comment upon any alleged breach of the code or upon hearings, report or decision arising from such breach

ii. Players and team officials shall not in any way be concerned in the use or distribution of illegal drugs.

iii. Players and team officials shall not make any public pronouncement or comments to the media which is detrimental to the game,which is taking place.

vi. In the event of a bowler being found guilty of gross misbehaviour or of using offensive comments on the field such as

a. Swearing at the umpire, batsman or any other player or spectator.

b. Showing public dissent at the umpires decision.

c. Manhandling an umpire, the batsman, any other player or the spectator.

d. Kicking the stumps.

e. Rushing towards the umpire while appealing and indulging in any ungentlemanly and unsporting conduct which might bring the game disrepute.

The umpire concerned shall call and signal dead ball and suspend the bowler from further bowling in that innings and allow another bowler to complete the over from the same end provided this bowler shall not bowl two overs or part thereof consecutively in that innings.

v If a fielder other than the bowler indulges in such acts as stated above, the umpire shall direct the captain of the fielding side to send the concerned fielder off the field for that session and no substitute shall be allowed in his absence. Any refusal by the player or captain may be liable for ‘Award of a match’

In addition to taking action as stated in para (iv) & (v) above the umpire shall also report the occurrence to the captain of the batting side as soon as the players leave the field for an interval.

The umpire shall also report to the executive authority of the fielding side and to the concerned tournament committee responsible for the conduct of the match and the association to take any action against the concerned bowler or player.

vi In the event of the batsman being found guilty of using offensive comments on the field such as

a. Swearing at the umpire, batsman or any other player or spectator.

b. Showing public dissent at the umpires decision.

c. Manhandling an umpire, the bowler, the fielder, the other batsman or the spectator.

d. Kicking the stumps or hitting the stumps with the bat when given out or indulging in any ungentlemanly and unsporting conduct which might bring the game into disrepute, the umpire at the bowlers end shall report the occurrence to the executive of the batting side and to the concerned tournament committee responsible for that match and the association who shall take appropriate action against the player concerned.

Note: The umpires shall have full powers to implement the above rules in respect to the players conduct and the decision taken shall be final and binding on the players

20. Calculation of over rate

Each team is required to bowl at an average of 15 overs per hour.

a. The over-rate shall be calculated at the end of each innings.

i. When batting side is all-out

ii. When the batting side declares its innings closed

iii. When the scheduled closing time is reached on the last day.

iv. When result is obtained

b. No deductions to be made for fall of wickets and for drinks intervals.

c. The average over-rate in the entire innings shall be calculated by multiplying the actual playing time taken for completion of an innings expressed in hours by 15 or by dividing the actual playing time
expressed in minutes by 4.

d. In assessing the over-rate, the time taken for retrieving the lost ball or the ball going outside the playing area, shall not be deducted.

e. However, the umpires are empowered to review considerable time taken to recover or replace the ball, and deduct the time from the actual playing time and inform the captains accordingly.

f. All calculations with regard to suspension of play or the start of a new innings in the last hour of the match shall be based on one over each for full four minutes. However, where the calculation for number of overs to be bowled in the time remaining where one additional over will be allowed for part of four minutes.

g. In all cases part of an over bowled is to be treated as the complete over and the part of an over to be bowled shall be ignored.



21. Penalty for slow over-rate.

i. If the match is abandoned before the schedule time for close of play on the last day due to unfavorable weather or light conditions, the penalty shall not be levied.

ii. Over-rate shall be assessed on 15 overs per hour.

iii. The penalty for slow over-rate shall be 8 runs per over bowled short.

iv. If the side is all out within 30 overs or less no penalty shall be levied.

v. The penalty runs for not maintaining the over-rate shall be shown separately in the extras column as In the case of no balls and wide balls and shall be added to the batting side’s score at the end of the innings.

vi. The penalty may be reviewed by the umpires and if they are of the opinion that the circumstances were beyond the control of the fielding side, including deliberate time wasting by the batting side, considerable time taken to recover or replace the ball, which prevented the fielding side from bowling the required number of overs and inform the captains accordingly immediately.

In view of 20 and 21 above the umpires must strictly apply laws on time wasting by batsmen and fieldsmen.

22. Result.

For matches played on knock out basis up to and including semi finals.

Duration of matches shall be specified and shall have specified hours of play on each day and shall be decided on two innings or overs as mentioned.

If two innings are not completed in the specific duration of the match, the match shall be decided on the result of the first innings, but if the first innings is not completed or if there is a tie on the first innings or both the innings, the result shall be decided as follows:

Total no. of runs scored by Team A = Quotient of
Total no. of wickets lost by Team A Team A

Total no. of runs scored by Team B = Quotient of
Total no. of wickets lost by Team B Team B

The team having higher quotient will be the winner of the match.

b. If the quotients are equal, the winner will be decided as follows:

Total no. of runs scored by Team A = Run Rate of
Total no. of Overs bowled by Team B Team A

Total no. of runs scored by Team B = Run Rate of
Total no. of Overs bowled by Team A Team B

The team obtaining higher run-rate shall be declared as winner.

c. If the quotients and the run-rates are equal or cannot be obtained then the result will be decided by the spin of the coin in presence of umpires.

d. If the match is abandoned without a ball being bowled it shall not be replayed and the result will be decided by the spin of the coin in presence of umpires.

23. Final Match

Total no. of runs scored by Team A = Quotient of
Total no. of wickets lost by Team A Team A

Total no. of runs scored by Team B = Quotient of
Total no. of wickets lost by Team B Team B

The team having higher quotient will be the winner of the match.

b. If the quotients are equal, the winner will be decided as follows:

Total no. of runs scored by Team A = Run Rate of
Total no. of Overs bowled by Team B Team A

Total no. of runs scored by Team B = Run Rate of
Total no. of Overs bowled by Team A Team B

The team obtaining higher run-rate shall be declared as winner.

c. If the quotients and the run-rates are equal or cannot be obtained then both the teams shall be declared as joint winners for that year.

d. If the match is abandoned without a ball being bowled shall not be replayed. Both the teams shall be declared as joint winners for that year.

In matches played on league/points basis, if points are equal the same will be decided on net run rate basis and not as above.

e. All the calculations will be up to two decimals only.

In matches played on league/points basis, if points are equal, the team/s to qualify for semi-final or final as the case may be will be decided as under

The team having most outright wins against that team will qualify. If the same, the team with more number of wins will qualify. If same, the team which has won in league match will qualify. If same it will be decided on highest net run rate. Net run rate is calculated by deducting from average run rate per over scored by a team throughout the competition, the average run rate per over scored against that team.







Playing Conditions for
One Day Limited Over Matches

(Playing Conditions for matches other than limited overs basis shall apply except where varied as under)

1. Duration of matches

All the matches will be of one-day duration. The matches will consist of one innings per side and each innings will be limited to 45 six-ball overs. A minimum of 15 overs per team will constitute a match.

Senior Limited overs tournament will be as under:

i. Padmakar Talim Shield Cricket Tournament.

ii. R. F. S. Talyarkhan Shield Cricket Tournament.

2. Hours of Play and Interval

a. Week days

Hours of play would normally be as follows.

9.45 a.m.


12.45 p.m.

1st Session

12.45 p.m.


1.45 p.m.


1.45 p.m


4.45 p.m.

2nd Session

b. Saturdays/Sundays/Holidays

10.00 a.m.


1.00 p.m.

1st Session

1.00 p.m.


2.00 p.m.


2.00 p.m.


5.00 p.m.

2nd Session

c. If due to delay the game starts at or after 12.45 p.m. on weekdays and after 1.00 p.m. on Saturdays/Sundays/Holidays, there shall be no lunch interval. However interval between the innings of 10 minutes shall be taken.

d. In a delayed match, toss shall take place latest by 2.20 p.m. on weekdays or latest by 2.35 p.m. on Saturday/Sunday/Holidays in accordance with the scheduled close of play to have the game of minimum of 15 overs each side.

3. Balls

i. Balls of brands approved by the Association shall only be used in the tournaments registered with the Association. (See rule 25-26)

ii In is the responsibility of participating teams to see that sufficient specified brands of balls are made available or collected from Tournament Committee well in advance. The teams must also keep stock of old balls of similar as well as other brands of balls for replacement.

iii. In case of balls to be supplied by the Tournament Sub-Committee do not reach the venue of the match in time for any reason or prescribed balls are not made available by teams, then with the permission of both umpires, available balls of any brand approved by MCA in rule 6 of League & Knock-out matches and rule 3 of Limited Overs matches may be used for the match. However no match can be stopped/not started on this account and no protest shall be entertained.

iv Umpires should ascertain before the start of the match that approved balls as above or as in iii above are available and the provision is adhered.

v. In the event of a ball becoming wet and soggy as a result of play in inclement weather, or is being affected by dew and/or in the opinion of the umpires, being unfit for play, the ball may be replaced by a ball of similar wear and tear and preferably of the same brand or from approved brands, even though it has not gone out of shape. Either bowler or batsman may raise the matter with the umpires and the umpire’s decision as to a replacement or otherwise will be final.

vi. Each fielding team shall have one new ball for each innings.

vii.The Umpires shall retain possession of the match ball throughout the duration of the match when play is not actually taking place. I.e. at the fall of a wicket, drinks interval, or any other disruption in play.

During play umpires shall periodically and irregularly inspect the condition of the ball (Also see rule 25 & 26)

4. Interval between innings.

The innings of the team batting second shall not commence before the time scheduled for commencement of second session unless the team batting first has completed its innings at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled lunch interval, in which case an interval of 10 minutes between the innings shall be taken and the team batting second will commence its innings and continue to play till the time for lunch interval as scheduled. However, if the innings of the side batting first has completed in less than 30 minutes prior to the scheduled lunch interval, lunch will be taken immediately and the innings of the side batting second will commence after 1hour.The second session will be of 3 hours from the time of commencement of the innings unless the result is obtained earlier.

5. Interval for Drinks.

Two drinks per session are permitted, each one-hour apart. The provisions of law 15.9 shall be strictly observed except that under conditions of extreme heat, the umpires may permit extra interval for drinks. However no drinks will be allowed in case of game of 15 overs per side.

An individual player may be given a drink either on the boundary edge, at the fall of a wicket on the field or in between two overs provided that no playing time is wasted. No other drinks shall be taken on the field of play without the permission of the umpires. Any player taking drinks onto the field shall be dressed in proper cricket attire.

6. Length of Innings.

a. In any uninterrupted match each team shall bat for 45 overs unless all out earlier. A team shall not be permitted to declare its innings closed.

b. In any match, if the side fielding first fails to bowl the allotted or reallotted number of overs by the scheduled time for the cessation of the first session, game will be continued till required number of overs are bowled or the side is all out but no penalty for the number of overs bowled short shall be levied.

c. Similarly, if the side fielding second fails to bowl the allotted or reallotted number of overs by the scheduled time for the cessation of the second session, game will be continued till required number of overs are bowled or the side is all out, unless result is obtained earlier but no penalty for the number of overs bowled short shall be levied.

d. If the side fielding first fails to bowl the allotted or reallotted number of overs by the scheduled time for the cessation of the first session, the innings of the side batting second shall be limited to the same number of overs bowled by it at the cessation of the first session.

e. If the team batting first is all out in less than 45 overs, the team batting second shall be entitled to bat for full 45 overs. If the last wicket falls during last over in progress at scheduled or rescheduled time for completion of the session, then the side batting second will get full quota of overs allotted.

7. Calculation of over rate.

a. Uninterrupted matches.

i. The over rate shall be assessed on 15 overs per hour.

ii .In deciding the number of overs bowled short, fraction of an over bowled shall be treated as a complete over and over to be bowled shall be ignored.

iii No deductions shall be made for wickets taken or drinks interval.

b. Matches with delayed start

If a match is delayed due to any reason, It shall always be remembered that while rearranging the number of overs to be bowled in the time remaining for the match, both the teams shall bat for equal number of overs which shall not be less than 15 overs each side.

The calculation of the number of overs to be bowled shall be based on an average rate of 15 overs per hour or every one over for full four minutes in the total time available for play. If a reduction of the number of overs is required, any recalculation must not cause the match to be rescheduled to finish earlier than the original cessation time. The rescheduled time may be extended to allow for one extra over per team to be added if required.

c. Delay or Interruption to the innings of the team batting first.

If the number of overs of the team batting first is reduced, a fixed time will be specified for the completion of the first session as calculated by applying the provision of clause.

Delay or Interruption to the innings of the team batting second.

If it is not possible for the team batting second to have the opportunity of batting for the same number of overs as the team batting first, the overs to be bowled shall be reduced at the rate of one over for every four minutes of time lost.

8 Penalty for slow Over rate will not apply.
9. Restriction on placement of fieldsmen

At the instant of delivery, there shall not be more than five fieldsmen on the leg side and not more than two behind popping crease on the leg side. In the event of an infringement, the striker’s end umpire shall call and signal no ball at the instant of delivery or as soon as possible thereafter.

10. Number of overs per bowler

i. No bowler shall bowl more than 9 (six ball) overs in an innings of 45 overs. In other words minimum 5 bowlers must bowl.

ii. In a delayed or interrupted match where the overs are reduced for both teams or for the team bowling second, no bowler may bowl more than one fifth of the total overs allowed. This restriction shall apply to the team fielding second

iii Where the total overs are not divisible by 5, one additional over shall be allowed to the maximum number per bowler necessary to make up the balance.

iv If a match is reduced to less overs after the start, the original restrictions of number of overs per bowler for the side fielding first will remain the same. However the restrictions for side fielding second will be the same as in (ii) above i.e. No bowler will bowl more than one fifth of the total number of reduced overs, subject to (iii) above.

However this restriction will be applicable only at the start of each innings. If there is further reduction due to interruption no change will be made

v. In the event of a bowler breaking down and being unable to complete an over, the remaining balls will be bowled by another bowler. Such part of an over will count as full over in so far as each bowler’s limit is concerned.

11. Law 24 – No Ball

Law 24.1 Mode of Delivery

Law 24.1 will apply except that the bowler may not deliver the ball underarm. If a bowler bowls a ball
underarm the Umpires shall call and signal no ball and dead ball.

No Ball – Short Pitched Bowling

A bowler may be allowed one fast short pitched ball per over.

If the ball passes or would have passed above the shoulder height of the striker standing upright at the crease, either umpire shall call and signal no ball.

The penalty shall be one run for the no ball, plus any runs scored from that delivery.

No Ball – Bowling of fast, High, Full pitched balls.

Any high full-pitched ball (regardless of its pace), which passes or would have passed above waist height of the batsman standing upright at the crease shall be called and signaled ‘No Ball’ by either Umpire

In the event of a bowler bowling a fast high full-pitched ball i.e. a beamer the umpire at the bowlers end shall adopt the procedure of caution, final warning, action against the bowler and reporting as set out in rule 17 B.of the Model Rules for other than limited overs game.

However, if the umpire at the bowler’s end considers that such a fast high full pitched ball has been bowled deliberately at the batsman, he shall call and signal ‘No ball’ and direct the captain of the fielding side to take the bowler of forthwith without adopting the procedure of caution and final warning.

The above is not a substitute for law 42.6 (b) which will continue to apply as amended by playing condition 17B.

12. Wide Bowling – Judging a Wide.

i. Umpires are to apply a very strict and consistent interpretation in regard to this law in order to prevent negative bowling wide of the wicket.

ii. An off side or leg side delivery which in the opinion of the umpire does not give the batsman a reasonable opportunity to score off a normal cricket stroke shall be called a wide. As a guide, on the leg side a ball landing clearly outside the leg stump going further away shall be called wide.

iii.A penalty of one run for the wide ball, plus any runs are made otherwise.

13. The Result

i. A result can be achieved only if both the teams have batted for at least 15 overs unless the team has been all out in less than 15 overs or unless the side batting second scored the required runs to win the match in less than 15 overs. Matches in which one or both the sides have not had the opportunity of batting minimum of 15 overs except provided herein. The winner shall be decided by the spin of coin in the presence of the umpires.

ii.Teams batting for allotted number of overs:

a. In matches where both the teams have had the opportunity of batting for allotted number of overs in an uninterrupted match or an interrupted match, the team scoring higher number of runs off the rescheduled no. of overs shall be the winner.

b. If the runs scored are same, the team which has higher run rate per over shall be the winner.A part of an over bowled shall be treated as full over.

c. In the event of the run rate being same, the winner shall be decided by spin of the coin in the presence of the umpires.

iii.Team batting second does not get an opportunity to bat for allotted number of overs.

a. If a team batting second does not get the opportunity to play the agreed number of overs or has neither been all out or has passed its opponent’s score, then provided the team batting second has batted for minimum of 15 overs, the winner shall be decided by taking into account the run rate. The team with the higher run rate will be declared as winner.

However in a delayed or interrupted match, if a side batting second has less than 15 overs to bat they can opt for the spin of the coin to achieve the result. If they wish to try and score the required runs in less than 15 overs they may be allowed to bat and if they can’t score the required runs, they loose the match.

b. In the case of run rate being equal, the winner will be decided by spin of coin in presence of the umpires.

c. For the purpose of calculation of the run rate, part of an over bowled shall be treated as a complete over.

14. Run rate

Run rate shall be calculated up to two decimals by dividing Runs scored (including penalty if any) by overs.

If either side bats for 45 overs or rescheduled no. of overs or is all out in less than these overs, the run rate will be calculated for 45 overs or rescheduled overs.

If the side batting first plays for full 45 overs and the side batting second bats for 15 overs or more and the scheduled time is reached or result obtained; the run rate of the side batting first shall be calculated for full 45 overs as compared to the side batting second for whom run rate will be calculated only for those many number of overs batted, when result is obtained and it wins.

N. B. Part of an over bowled to be treated as complete over for all calculations.




1. Entries for all the three Tournaments shall be received by the respective Tournament Secretaries as per the dates specified by the tournament sub-committee of the Association. Office Clubs are not allowed to participate in these Tournaments.

2. The Tournament Secretaries of each tournament shall, then handover all the entries received by them to the Hon. Secretary of Tournament Sub-Committee of the Association for scrutiny and to decide the final list of participating teams, as per the dates given to them.

3. Entries of previous year’s finalists and the affiliated/associate club sponsoring the tournament shall be given the confirmed entries provided they have submitted their entries to the respective tournament secretaries in writing before the last date of submission of the entries.

4. Not more than one bye will be given to any team while preparing the draws for any tournament.

5. While preparing the final draw, previous year’s winner shall be given the first seeding while runners-up shall be given the second seeding.




Purshottam Shield Cricket Tournament

(Conducted by P. J. Hindu Gymkhana)

Young Comrade Shield Cricket Tournament

(Conducted by M. I. G. C. C.)

Padmakar Talim Shield Cricket Tournament

(Conducted by M. I. G. C. C.)

Police Invitation Shield Cricket Tournament

(Conducted by Gr. Mumbai Police S.C.)

As per regular practice, following teams will be allowed to participate in police invitation shield every year 1) Mumbai Police (Host) 2) M.C.A. colts (M.C.A.’s Representative) Traditional 3) C.C.I., 4) Parsee Gymkhana, 5) P. J. Hindu Gym., 6) Islam Gym., 7) Bombay Gymkhana, 8) Sponsors XI, 9) (Winners of Purshottam Shield), 10) (Winners of comrade shield), 11) (Winners of Talim Shield), 1 2) Champion of Dr. H. D. Kanga league `A’ Division. (If, in anyone year, the promotion and relegation are suspended, then the previous year champions will be considered). If a team is happened to be winner of two tournament then the runner up of one tournament will be included by lot.

(i) The Purshottam Shield and Young Comrade Shield Cricket Tournaments shall be played as one and half day matches up to and including the Semi-Finals and Final match shall be played as three day match. The matches shall be played on weekends.

(ii) The Padmakar Talim Shield Cricket Tournament shall be played as one day match limited to maximum of 45 overs per inning knock-out basis. The Matches shall be played on Sundays//Holidays

(iii) The entries in all the above three Tournaments shall be restricted to maximum of 28 teams in each tournament, unless otherwise decided.

(iv) Only Clubs who participated in A and B divisions of Dr. H. D. Kanga League during the same season shall be considered for entry.

(v) Eligible clubs may send their entries to above Tournaments and shall be allowed only one entry per Tournament.

(vi) If the number of entries received from the eligible clubs is less than 28 then the Tournament shall be played with number of entries received.

(vii) All the players participating shall be registered with M. C. A. for the clubs they are representing (for the year of participation).


(However boys under - 16 are exempted from this rule.)


Mumbai Junior Cricket Shield Tournament


Cosmopolitan Cricket Shield Tournament


Summer Vacation Cricket Shield Tournament

(Conducted by Y. M. C. C.)

(i) The number of entries in each of the three Tournaments shall be restricted to maximum of 64 teams. If there are more than 192 entries (3x64) in these three junior tournaments of AFFILIATED CLUBS are received, then, any one tournament by rotation will have more than 64 entries.

(ii) Clubs shall be eligible to send their entry to any of these Tournaments. Prefix such as ‘A’ or ‘B’ shall not be allowed.

(iii) All the matches shall be of one day duration and shall be played on maximum of 45 overs per inning knock-out basis. All matches shall be played on Sundays/Holidays.

(iv) Only two Players who have participated in the first class matches as defined by the BCCI at least five seasons preceding the commencement of the Tournament shall be allowed to play. Players who have participated in the first class matches as defined by the B. C. C. I. during last five seasons shall not be allowed to play.

(v) Out of the three tournaments a club can participate in any one. Club entering in more than one tournament shall be accommodated in any one tournament.

(vi) In each of these Junior Tournaments preference shall be given to Affiliated/Associate clubs provided they have sent their entry in time.

(vii) The number of Affiliated/Associate clubs and non Affiliated/Associate clubs in each tournament shall be decided by the Tournament Sub-Committee of the Association, which shall be binding to all the Tournament Secretaries and the participating clubs.

(viii) If a club is not accommodated in the tournament for which it has applied then it shall be accommodated in other tournament.


(However boys under - 16 are exempted from this rule.)


Seth Gordhandas Challenge Shield Cricket
Tournament(Conducted by Khar Gymkhana)
Dadar (Mumbai 28) to Dahanu Road on Western Railway
Dadar (Mumbai 14) to Mulund on Central Railway
Wadala to Mankhurd on Harbour Line

Mahim Dadar Challenge Shield Cricket
(Conducted by M.I.G. Cricket Club)
Dadar (Mumbai 28) to Dahanu Road on Western Railway
Dadar (Mumbai 14) to Mulund on Central Railway
Wadala to Mankhurd on Harbour Line

Balkrishna Bapat Shield Cricket Tournament
(Conducted by Kurla S. C.)
Dadar (Mumbai 28) to Dahisar on Western Railway (For the purpose of players)
Dadar (Mumbai 14) to Badlapur & Kasara on Central Railway
Wadala to Kharghar on Harbour Line (Navi Mumbai Municipal Jurisdiction)

Shamrao Thosar Shield Cricket Tournament
(Conducted by Thane Sporting Committee)
Mira Road to Virar on Western Railway
Thane to to Badlapur & Kasara on Central Railway
Vashi to Kharghar on Harbour Line (Navi Mumbai Municipal Jurisdiction)

South Bombay Cricket Shield Tournament
(Conducted by Fort Vijay Cricket Club)
Colaba to Prabhadevi on Western Railway
Colaba to Parel on Central Railway
Colaba to Sewri on Harbour Line

Liberal Cricket Tournament
(Conducted by Esplanade Liberals C. C.)
Colaba to Prabhadevi on Western Railway
Colaba to Parel on Central Railway
Colaba to Sewri on Harbour Line

Thane Vaibhav CST (Only for offices)
Mira Road to Virar on Western Railway
Kurla to Ambarnath on Central Railway

Kakasaheb Diwadkar CST (Only for offices)
Chembur to Ambarnath on Central Railway

Navi Mumbai Office CST
Navi Mumbai Jurisdiction

(i) Restriction on Players :

All the players participating and the clubs participating in the Tournament must have their address within the limits as specified by each tournament. All the players participating should be registered with the Association for the year of participation. Address as per the registration records of the Association shall only be considered. Rule 15A of Registration of players shall be observed.

(ii) Only two Players who have participated in the first class matches as defined by the BCCI at least five seasons preceding the commencement of the Tournament shall be allowed to play. Players who have participated in the first class matches as defined by the B. C. C. I. during last five seasons shall not be allowed to play.

(iii) The number of entries in each Restricted Tournament shall be restricted to a maximum of 32 teams. One restricted tournament out of Sheth Gordhandas, Mahim Dadar and Bapat Shield by rotation shall have maximum of 48 entries and one tournament out of South Bombay and Liberal Shield by rotation shall have maximum of 48 entries.

(iv) If the number of entries received is less than the required number, then the tournament shall be played with number of entries received.

(v) No Club will be allowed to enter more than one team in any of the above Tournaments. No ‘A’ or ‘B’ shall be allowed.

(vi) All the matches shall be of one day duration and shall be played on maximum of 45 overs per inning knock-out basis. The matches shall be played on Sundays/Holidays.

(vii) No postponement shall be given to any team if they are called upon to play any of the above tournaments and the Senior Tournament on the same day. However they may schedule their match with the consent of the opposite team so as not to disturb the next round match. However the permission of the Tournament Sub-Committee of the Association should be taken in writing.




1. These rules shall be called as “Registration of Players Rules” and shall be effective from 1st October 2009 and shall supercede any other rules in force till then.

These rules are meant for registration of a cricketer desiring to play in the registered tournaments of the Mumbai Cricket Association.

These rules are to be strictly followed by all concerned both in letter and spirit.

2. The registration of a player under these rules shall be the primary responsibility of the individual player. However the Secretary of the team registering a player for his club should ensure that the registration is as per Rules and Regulations mentioned herein.

3. A player shall be allowed to register himself for two Maidan clubs and one office club in a year / season.

4. For the purpose of registration a year or a season means a period from 1st July of a year to 30th June of the subsequent year.

5. A player seeking registration should be a bonafide resident of the area under the jurisdiction of Mumbai Cricket Association, namely Mumbai and Thane Districts (extending upto Palghar and Dahanu in the western suburbs, Badlapur in the central suburbs and Navi Mumbai upto and including Kharghar).

6. A registration form and / or transfer form must be signed by the authorized signatory of the club or by a member duly authorized to do so. The concerned club must inform the Association in writing about the person authorized to sign and his specimen signature.

7. On receipt of the registration form, the person effecting registration shall verify the entries and particularly the signature of the authorized signatory of the club before accepting the registration fees.

8. A player seeking fresh registration must submit the Xerox copy of any two of the following documents along with the original as a proof of bonafide residentship: birth certificate, ration card, driving license, flat ownership agreement, leave and license agreement duly registered, rent receipt, passport or the voters identity card.

The person effecting the registration should ensure that the documents produced are in order and after retaining the copy the original documents should be returned. The cricketer should have been residing at the address provided for atleast one year prior to seeking registration.

9. Once a player is registered, the change of address will be effected only on production of the documentary evidence and it will not change the eligibility to play in the area restricted tournaments if such a change is effected after 30th June of the year.

10. Every registered player shall carry his registration card with him while playing in any match.

11. If the registration card or receipt is demanded by the opponent team, the player concerned must produce the same immediately after the close of the match. In case a player whose registration card is not produced on demand on the day of the match and he further fails to identify himself, the onus will be on the club to prove the bonafide of such player within 24 hours of completion of the game. If the player and or the club fail to produce the evidence such a player shall be treated as unregistered player. If this happens in the final match the club shall not be declared as Champion or Runners Up.

12. In case of change of employment during the year / season, the player shall not be allowed to play for the new employer for that season, if he has already played for his old employer in any office tournament. On change of employment the player shall register such change by submitting the transfer form.

13. A player who is not a bonafide resident of the area under the jurisdiction of MCA and is eligible to play in a registered office tournament, by virtue of his employment in a company situated in the area under jurisdiction of MCA, in any office tournament, such player shall be granted temporary registration during the period of Tournament under these rules. Such temporary registered player shall not be eligible to participate in any of the registered club tournament on the basis of his temporary registration. The temporary registration will be valid for one season only, and should be renewed every year.

14. On an application from the employer with the proof of eligibility of such player, and on payment of such fees, a temporary registration card shall be issued to such eligible player, with the name of the office club and the tournament and the period of registration. A player with such temporary registration shall not be eligible to play in any other tournament except for his employer, mentioned in the temporary registration card.

15. In case of area restricted tournaments, the player has to play for the Club for which he is registered for. If he is registered for only one club then he can add the club for whom he desires to play as the second club in his registration. In case both the clubs he is registered for do not participate in the restricted tournament for that year, then only he can play for a third club for that year only, with special permission of the Association. Special Permission must be taken by the player before the start of the tournament. No Special Permission will be granted once the tournament starts.

16. A player below the age of (17) seventeen years shall be registered under these rules and shall play for the clubs for which he is registered. If both the registered clubs do not participate in the junior and senior tournaments in that year, such under-17 player shall be allowed to play for a third club with the special permission of the Association. Special Permission must be taken by the player before the start of the tournament. No Special Permission will be granted once the tournament starts.

17. It shall be the duty of the Club Secretary or the Captain of the team to verify that the registration of each of their players are valid and that the players are holding proper registration cards or temporary registration card issued by MCA, before the start of play.

18. Where a player has only one club on his registration card, and he wants to apply for addition of second club, he shall apply for such addition in an application form duly filled and signed by the authorized signatory of the club. Such application shall be accompanied by original registration card. The said application under this rule shall be verified as per rules and the person effecting changes shall not register such addition if he is not satisfied with the entries and the signature of the player and the authorized signatories of the concerned clubs.

19. The player may apply for transfer of any one or both the clubs and shall apply for such transfer in the transfer form duly filled in and signed by the respective authorized signatories of the clubs. The duly completed transfer form shall be submitted along with original registration card for effecting transfer in the records of the association and on the registration card. The person effecting transfer should not accept the transfer form if it is incomplete and not accompanied by the registration card.

20. In case of transfer of club or clubs, the signature of player and the respective authorized signatories of the concerned clubs shall be verified by the person effecting transfer. If he has any doubt about the entries or the signature, he shall not register such player and / or shall not effect the transfer of such player.

21. Duplicate registration card shall be issued to the player only on receiving an application from him and duly verified by the Registration of Players Sub Committee.

22. Players refused registration and / or transfer and / or addition of club on the card under the above rules can approach the Hon. Secretary, Registration of Players Committee and he shall call a meeting of the Registration Committee to consider the objections raised by the person in charge of effecting changes, and shall decide the case on merit under these rules and convey the decision giving reasons. If the player is still not satisfied he may appeal to the President of the Association for adjudication. The appeal shall be heard by the President or in his absence by one of the Vice Presidents. The decision shall be given after hearing the player concerned and taking into account the justification of the Players Registration Sub Committee under these rules. Such decision of the adjudicating authority with reasons shall be final and binding.

23. A player representing his employer in any registered office tournament and who will not be playing in any of the registered club tournaments need not be registered under these rules provided such player is above the age of forty years and has been in same employment for not less than fifteen years on the date of playing for such employer. The office concerned may send list of such players before the start of the tournament with the necessary details of their respective dates of joining and certified by the appropriate authority as designated by the Employer.

24. The Registration of Players Committee shall prescribe the registration fees, transfer fees, temporary registration fees payable by the club and / or the player before the start of each season and the said fees shall be in force till it is changed by the Registration of Player’s Committee.

25. Any player found to be participating in any registered tournament without valid registration shall be debarred from playing in the said tournament for that year and for next year or as the case may be decided by the Registration of Players Committee and further the player will have to bear a monetary penalty of Rs.1000/-. The Registration of Players Committee shall not punish any player unless the player is given opportunity of being heard. The Registration of Players Committee shall convey the decision in writing giving reasons for such action. In case a player fails to pay the penalty such player may be debarred for participating in any of the registered tournaments of the Association for his lifetime.

26. Any club found to be guilty of any infringement of these rules, for playing any unregistered player in their team, shall be debarred from playing in the said tournament for the year and subsequent year as may be decided by the Registration of Players Committee and further a monetary penalty of Rs.5000/- will be imposed on the club.

The Registration of Players Committee shall not punish any club unless the representative of club is given sufficient opportunity of being heard. The Registration of Players Committee shall convey their decision in writing giving reasons for such action. In case a club fails to pay fine, the club will be declared as a defaulter and suitable action would be initiated.

27. Such player and the team held guilty and punished by the Registration of Players Committee can file appeal before the disciplinary committee within 48 hours with appeal fee of Rs.1500/-. The disciplinary committee after hearing the concerned parties shall give their decision in writing and with reasons, which shall be binding and final.

28. For all Invitation Tournaments, in case of affiliated / non-affiliated Clubs invited to play, only MCA registered players who are bonafide residents of Mumbai shall be allowed to play.

In case of outstation Clubs / Teams invited to participate in the Invitation Tournament, the Organisers shall pay temporary Registration fees on behalf of the said outstation Club / Team and its players as may be decided by the MCA from time to time.

In case of Sponsor’s team participating in any Invitation Tournament, no outside players shall be allowed to play in the Sponsor’s team.

During the exchange of the team the registration no. is not required. Names of the players should be in full.



Ground charges to be paid by the teams for registered
tournaments of Mumbai Cricket Association
for the season 2010-2011

For Inter school/collegiate matches

a) Ground with tents (minimum 30 chairs,
4 tables, proper score board)
Rs. 700/-
b) .Ground with semi permanent structure
(with pavilion, electricity and drinking water facility)
Rs. 850/-
c) Gymkhanas like Hindu, Islam, Parsee,
Police/GMC, MIG, CCI, Bombay Gym.
(with pavilion and catering facility and
proper dressing room)
Rs. 1000/-

Maidan club/tournament

a) Ground with tents (minimum 30 chairs,
4 tables, proper score board)
Rs. 1000/-
b) *Ground with semi permanent structure
(with facility of drinking water/electricity
and pavilion with dressing room facility)
Rs. 1200/-
c) Gymkhanas like Hindu, Islam, Parsee,
Police/GMC, MIG, CCI, Bombay Gym.
(with pavilion and catering facility and
proper dressing room)
Rs. 1400/-

Office tournament

a) Ground with tents (minimum 30 chairs,
4 tables, proper score board)
Rs. 1300/-
b) *Ground with semi permanent structure
(with facility of drinking water/electricity
and pavilion with dressing room facility)
Rs. 1600/-
c) Gymkhanas like Hindu, Islam, Parsee,
Police/GMC, MIG, CCI, Bombay Gym.
(with pavilion and catering facility and
proper dressing room)
Rs. 4000/-
d) All finals at above Gymkhanas
(Provided all facilities of dressing room
and catering facilities are made available
to team.)
Rs. 6000/-

* Semi permanent structures on the maidans are as follows

1 Azad maidan FortVijay C. C., Naoroz C. C.,
Parsee Cyclists S. C.,
S. F. Sassanian C. C.,
2 Cross Maidan National C. C.
3 Shivaji Park Bengal C. C.,
Mahim Juvenile S. C.
4 Dadkar Maidan New Hind S. C. with dressing room,
Dadar Parsee Colony S. C.,
Matunga Gymkhana




A. Invitation Tournaments :

1 Played on All India/Zonal basis
with special Registration
Rs.800/- per day
2 For Affiliated Clubs (Sr.) Rs.700/- per day
3 For Affiliated Clubs (Jr.) Rs.600/- per day

B. Office Tournaments :

1 Times Shield (A & B Div.) Rs.700/- per day
Times Shield (C & D Div.)
Rs.300/- half day
    Rs.600/- full day
  Times matches played on week days Rs.600/- per day
3. Tournaments other than Times Shield Rs.600/- per day

C. Affiliated Club’s Tournaments :

1 Senior Clubs Rs.250/- half day
    Rs.500/- full day
2 Junior Clubs Rs.500/- per day
3 Restricted Rs.500/- per day
4 Community Tournaments Rs.500/- per day


D All Selection Tournaments of MCA Rs.600/- per day

E. Dr. H.D.Kanga Memorial Cricket Tournament :
1 League/Knock Out Rs.450/- per day

F. Inter School/Collegiate Tournaments :

1 Collegiate (Senior & Junior) Rs.400/- per day
2 Inter School (Senior & Junior) Rs.400/- per day
3 School (Sponsored/Special Registration) Rs.500/- per day

G. Twenty 20 :

1 MCA Organised (Per Match) Rs.350/-
2 Invitation (Per Match) Rs.600/-

H. Observer Rs.750/-




1 Invitation Tournaments 1 day Rs. 450/-
  Invitation Tournaments 1/2 day Rs. 250/-
2 Office Tournaments 1 day Rs. 400/-
3 Affiliated Clubs (Jr./Sr.) 1 day Rs. 400/-
4 All Selection Tournaments 1 day Rs. 400/-
5 Dr. H.D. Kanga League/Knock Out 1 day Rs. 350/-
6 Inter School / College (Jr./Sr.) 1 day Rs. 400/-
7 All India Invitation (Sr.) 1 day Rs. 800/-
8 Twenty 20 Matches (MCA & Invitation) Per match Rs. 300/-





– Giles Shield (Under 14) & Harris Shield (Under 16)
(Conducted by BHSSA)
– Junior & Senior Collegiate Cricket Tournament
(Conducted by University)
– B. Khichadia-Khar Gymkhana Cricket Tournament
(Under 16) (Conducted by Khar Gymkhana)
– N. T. Kelkar Trophy Cricket Tournament (Under 19)
(Conducted by Star Co, thane)
– Vasai-Dahanu-Palghar Cricket Tournament (Under 19)
– North Bombay Inter School Cricket Tournament (MGSM)
– Vasai Taluka U-14 (School), Vasai Taluka U-16 (School)
– Vasai Taluka U-19 (Inter College)
– Ghantali Cup U-14 (School)
– Bombay Gymkhana U-14
– Ultratech U-16


– Purshottam Shield Cricket Tournament
(Conducted by P. J. Hindu gymkhana)
– Young Comrade Shield Cricket Tournament
(Conducted by M.I.G.C.C.)
– Padmakar Talim Shield Cricket Tournament
(Conducted by M.I.G.C.C.)


– Mumbai Junior Shield Cricket Tournament
– Cosmopolitan Shield Cricket Tournament
– Summer Vacation Shield Cricket Tournament
(Conducted by Y.M.C.C.)


– South Mumbai Cricket Tournament
– Seth Gordhandas Challenge Shield Cricket
Tournament (Representative)
– Mahim Dadar Challenge Shield Cricket Tournament
– Balkrishna Bapat Shield Cricket Tournament
(Conducted by Kurla S.C.)
– Shamrao Thosar Memorial Cricket Tournament
(Conducted by Sporting Club’s Committee)
– Liberal Cricket Tournament
(Conducted by Esplanade Liberals C.C.)


– Shalini Bhalekar Cricket Tournament (Under 22)
– Shatkar Trophy Cricket Tournament (Under 16)
– The Sportstar Trophy Cricket Tournament (Under 19)
(Conducted by ‘The Hindu’)
– Kalpesh Koli Memorial Cricket Tournament (Under 16)
(For M.C.A. Summer Vacation Coaching Scheme)
– Shri. Madhav Mantri Trophy (Under 22)
– Worli S. C. (Under 14)
– Total Vengsarkar Cup (Under 14)
– Manohar Savant (Under 19)
(M.C. A. Summer Vacation Nets)


– Late Khandu Rangnekar Single Wicket Cricket Tournament
– Police Invitation Shield Cricket Tournament
– K. C. Mahindra Memorial Cricket Tournament
– Indian Airlines Cricket Tournament
– R. F. S. Talyarkhan Shield Cricket Tournament
(Conducted by Bombay Gymkhana)
– Vijay Manjrekar Single Wicket Cricket Tournament
(Conducted by Shivaji Park Gymkhana)
– Ramakant Desai Double Wicket Cricket Tournament
(Conducted by Shivaji Park Gymkhana)
– Air Freight (Inter Division)
– M. K./Thally Memorial Shield Cricket Tournament
(Conducted by Sachivalaya Gymkhana)
– New Bombay Sports Association Cricket Tournament
– Raju More Single Wicket Cricket Tournament


– Bassein Taluka Cricket Association Cricket Tournament
(Conducted by Y.M.C.C.-Vasai)
– Palghar Taluka Cricket Tournament
– D. Mahapankar Cricket Tournament (Vasai)
– Mulund Medico Cricket Tournament (Ashwani Trophy)
Only for Doctors (Conducted by Mulund Medico S.C.)
– Dawoodi Bohra Cricket Tournament
– (Conducted by Paramount C.C.)
– Maskati Shield Cricket Tournament
(Conducted by Bohra C.C.)
– Salarjung Cricket Tournament
(Conducted by Islam Gymkhana)
– M. Kshatriya shield Cricket Tournament
(Conducted by J.M.K.C.A.)
– Daiwadnya Cricket Tournament
(Conducted by Daiwadnya C.C.)
– Dr. S. Despande Memorial Cricket Tournament
(Conducted by Sporting Club’s Committee, Thane)
– Thane Vaibhav CST (Only for offices)
– Navi Mumbai Inter Office CST
Vasai Cricket Association


– Times of India Challenge Shield Tournament
– Inter Oil Cricket Tournament
– Indian Oil Rolling Shield
– E. Merck Pharmaceuticals Cricket Tournament
– Sheth Narottamdas Morarji Shipping Cricket Tournament
– Thane Vaibhav Summer Cricket Tournament
– Inter Office Tournament (Govt. Of Maharashtra)
– Moorjani Shield Cricket Tournament
(Conducted by Regional Sports Board)
– Tata Sports Club Inter Company Cricket Tournament
– Inter Corporation Cricket Tournament
(Conducted by Krushi Udyog S.C.)
– Kakasaheb Diwadkar Cricket Tournament (Representative)
– Inter Bank Junior and Senior Cricket Tournament
(Conducted by Reserve Bank of India S.C.)
– Bombay West Suburban I.M.A. Cricket Tournament
– Inter Insurance Cricket Tournament
(Conducted by New India Assurance)
– Special Steel Rolling Trophy (Chinchani, Tarapur)
– CAG Shield Tournament
– Inter Hospital Cricket Tournament



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