MCA >>> Rules of Cricket
Registration of Players Rules
These rules shall be called as “Registration of Players Rules” and shall be effective from 1st September 2014 and shall supercede any other rules in force till then.
These rules are meant for registration of a cricketer desiring to play in the registered tournaments of the Mumbai Cricket Association.
These rules are to be strictly followed by all concerned both in letter and spirit.
The registration of a player under these rules shall be the primary responsibility of the individual player. However the Secretary of the team registering a player for his club should ensure that the registration is as per Rules and Regulations mentioned herein.
A player shall be allowed to register himself for two Maidan clubs and one office club in a season.
For the purpose of registration a year or a season means a period from 1st June of a year to 31st May of the subsequent year.
A player seeking registration should be a bonafide resident of the area under the jurisdiction of Mumbai Cricket Association, namely Mumbai and Thane Districts (extending upto Palghar District in the western suburbs, Badlapur in the central suburbs and Navi Mumbai upto and including Kharghar).
A registration form and / or transfer form must be signed by the authorized signatory of the club or by a member duly authorized to do so. The concerned club must inform the Association in writing about the person authorized to sign and his specimen signature.
On receipt of the registration form, the person effecting registration shall verify the entries and particularly the signature of the authorized signatory of the club before accepting the registration fees.
A player seeking fresh registration must submit the form duly filled in with TWO passport size photographs and TWO supporting documents as residence proof (atleast one year old) and ONE document as date of birth proof.
The following documents shall be acceptable as date of birth proof: (Any one)
i) Passport
ii) Birth Certificate
iii) School Leaving Certificate
In case a player submits a copy of his passport, he will be required to submit only one more document as residence proof.
The following documents shall be acceptable as residence proof: (Any two)
i) Driving License
ii) Ration Card
iii) MTNL Landline Telephone Bill/Electricity Bill
iv) Aadhar Card (in full) click here for sample
v) Voter ID Card
vi) Registered Leave and License Agreement Copy (Current & Previous)
The name of the Under-14 and Under-16 players should be recorded in the ration card of their parents as residential proof or the birth certificate under the jurisdiction of Mumbai Cricket Association.
Players needs to self-attest the documents required for New Player Registration and also need to bring the ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS for verification at the time of Registration. Non compliance of the above requirements shall be liable for Strict action against the player/club for making false declaration and/or misrepresentation on the registration form.
The Association reserves the right to verify the original documents as and when required with due notice to player/club.
The person effecting the registration should ensure that the documents produced are in order and after retaining the copy the original documents should be returned. The cricketer should have been residing at the address provided for atleast one year prior to seeking registration.
Once a player is registered, the change of address will be effected only on production of the original documentary evidence and will not change the eligibility to play in the area restricted tournaments if such a change is effected after 31st May of the year.
Every registered player shall carry his registration card with him while playing in any match.
If the registration card or receipt is demanded by the opponent team, the player concerned must produce the same immediately after the close of the match. In case a player whose registration card is not produced on demand on the day of the match and he further fails to identify himself, the onus will be on the club to prove the bonafide of such player within 24 hours of completion of the game. If the player and or the club fail to produce the evidence such a player shall be treated as unregistered player. If this happens in the final match the club shall not be declared as Champion or Runners Up. If this happens in Dr. H. D. Kanga League, the player will be banned for 2 years and the the team will be banned for 2 years and will play the league after two years in two division lower than he was playing.
In case of change of employment during the year / season, the player shall not be allowed to play for the new employer for that season, if he has already played for his old employer in any office tournament. On change of employment the player shall register such change by submitting the transfer form.
A player who is not a bonafide resident of the area under the jurisdiction of MCA and is eligible to play in a registered office tournament, by virtue of his employment in a company situated in the area under jurisdiction of MCA, in any office tournament, such player shall be granted temporary registration during the period of Tournament under these rules. Such temporary registered player shall not be eligible to participate in any of the registered club tournament on the basis of his temporary registration.
The temporary registration will be valid for one season only, and should be renewed every season.
On an application from the employer with the proof of eligibility of such player, and on payment of such fees, a temporary registration card shall be issued to such eligible player, with the name of the office club and the tournament and the period of registration. A player with such temporary registration shall not be eligible to play in any other tournament except for his employer, mentioned in the temporary registration card.
In case of area restricted tournaments, the player has to play for the Club for which he is registered for. If he is registered for only one club then he can add the club for whom he desires to play as the second club in his registration. In case both the clubs he is registered for do not participate in the restricted tournament for that season, then only he can play for a third club for that season only, with special permission of the Association. Special Permission must be taken by the player before the start of the tournament. No Special Permission will be granted once the tournament starts.
A player below the age of (16) sixteen years shall be registered under these rules and shall play for the clubs for which he is registered. If both the registered clubs do not participate in the junior and senior tournaments in that season, such under-16 player shall be allowed to play for a third club with the special permission of the Association. Special Permission must be taken by the player before the start of the tournament. No Special Permission will be granted once the tournament starts.
It shall be the duty of the Club Secretary and the Captain of the team to verify that the registration of each of their players are valid and that the players are holding proper registration cards or temporary registration card issued by MCA, before the start of play. Club Secretaries should ensure that their players registration cards are available with players for verification during the match.
Where a player has only one club on his registration card, and he wants to apply for addition of second club, he shall apply for such addition in an application form duly filled and signed by the authorized signatory of the club. Such application shall be accompanied by original registration card. The said application under this rule shall be verified as per rules and the person effecting changes shall not register such addition if he is not satisfied with the entries and the signature of the player and the authorized signatories of the concerned clubs.
The player may apply for transfer of any one or both the clubs and shall apply for such transfer in the transfer form duly filled in and signed by the respective authorized signatories of the clubs. The duly completed transfer form shall be submitted along with original registration card for effecting transfer in the records of the association and on the registration card. The person effecting transfer should not accept the transfer form if it is incomplete and not accompanied by the registration card.
In case of transfer of club or clubs, the signature of player and the respective authorized signatories of the concerned clubs shall be verified by the person effecting transfer. If he has any doubt about the entries or the signature, he shall not register such player and / or shall not effect the transfer of such player.
Duplicate registration card shall be issued to the player only on receiving an application from him and duly verified by the Registration of Players Sub Committee.
Players refused registration and / or transfer and / or addition of club under the above rules can approach the Hon. Secretary, Registration of Players Committee and he may call a meeting of the Registration Committee to consider the objections raised by the person in charge of effecting changes, and shall decide the case on merit under these rules and convey the decision giving reasons. If the player is still not satisfied he may appeal to the Managing Committee of the Association for adjudication. The appeal shall be heard by the Managing Committee. The decision shall be given after hearing the player concerned and taking into account the justification of the Players Registration Sub Committee under these rules. Such decision of the adjudicating authority with reasons shall be final and binding.
The Registration of Players Committee shall prescribe the registration fees, transfer fees, temporary registration fees payable by the club and / or the player before the start of each season and the said fees shall be in force till it is changed by the Registration of Player’s Committee.
Any player found to be participating in any registered tournament without valid registration shall be debarred from playing in the said tournament for that season and for next season or as the case may be decided by the Registration of Players Committee. The Registration of Players Committee shall not punish any player unless the player is given opportunity of being heard. The Registration of Players Committee shall convey the decision in writing giving reasons for such action. If it is found in Dr. H. D. Kanga League, the club will be debarred for two years and will play the league after two years in two division lower than it was playing. The player will be debarred for two years and will not play further matches.
Any protest regarding Registration Of Players should be registered in Mumbai Cricket Association Office within 48 hours with appeal fee of Rs1500/-.The Managing Committee after hearing the concerned parties shall give their decision in writing and with reasons, which shall be binding and final.
For all Invitation Tournaments, in case of affiliated / non-affiliated Clubs invited to play, only MCA registered players who are bonafide residents of Mumbaiand Thane Districts (extending upto Palghar District in the western suburbs, Badlapur in the central suburbs and Navi Mumbai upto and including Kharghar) shall be allowed to play.
In case of outstation Clubs / Teams invited to participate in the Invitation Tournament, the Organizers shall pay temporary Registration fees on behalf of the said outstation Club / Team and its players as may be decided by the MCA from time to time.
In case of Sponsor’s team participating in any Invitation Tournament, no outside players shall be allowed to play in the Sponsor’s team.
Players playing in Dr. H. D. Kanga Plate Group and not qualifying for the Elite Group can take special permission and play in E, F & G division of Elite group.
During the exchange of the team, full name of the players is compulsory, no nickname or short name is permitted whereas registration numbe rcan be given during the course of the match.
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