MCA >>> STRATEGEN Dr. H.D. Kanga League Schedule for 2009
Kanga League
MCA Poll
Will India, win the Test Series against England?
Can't Say
Name of the Tournament
Term Club / Gymkhana
Divisions - Clubs / Gymkhanas participating in each division
Participation in League
Entry form
Entry in Tournament
Availability of grounds for Association
    10 a
Award of Points
Promotion and Relegation
Score Sheets
Walkover / Conceding the Match
Interpretation of Rules
Power to Ammend Rules
Code of Conduct
Level II: Repeat of all Level I offences plus as listed below:
Level III: Repeat of all of Level I & II offences plus as listed below:
Special Instruction for Umpires
A. Players and Umpires are requested to read the local morning newspapers on the day of the match for announcement, if any, regarding cancellation of matches.
B. Information about next day matches will be available on our website
C. This year the Committee has decided to use the following brands of balls:
• S.G. Test A Division
• S.G. Test B Division
• BAS Test C Division
• BAS County Gold D Division
• BAS County Gold E Division
• Vayu F Division
• Vayu G Division
The Clubs must ensure that sufficient specified new and used old balls are available. No protest shall be entertained on this point.
D. The A Division teams shall ensure that in the score sheet the number of balls faced by an individual player or team for scoring fastest century and highest number of total runs for the award of Jasdenwalla Trophy.
In order to avoid protests in the Tournament, we have to request the Club Secretaries to take necessary steps as stated below:
1.  The registration of the player shall be primary responsibility of the individual player. However the Secretary or Authorized Signatory of the team registering player for his team should ensure that the registration is as per the rules and regulation of the MCA registration.
2. The player and the team both are responsible for any violation of the rules.
3. a) Any player found to be participating in Dr. H.D. Kanga League without valid registration shall be debarred from playing cricket in that cricketing season/year.

b) The club will be relegated and will play one division lower than it was playing in the current season / year.

e.g. If a team / club was playing in ‘G’ Division and is debarred then it will play Kanga Knock Out in the current season / year.
4. If the registration card is demanded by the opponent team, the player and the concerned team must produce the same immediately or before the close of the game / match. If the player and the club / team fails to produce the evidence (any identifi cation document or photo id) of such player, such a player will be treated as unregistered player. Any complaints regarding the registration can be lodged to MCA in writing or on to or
5. During the exchange of the team list, write the full name of the player along with registration as per the MCA records. Do not write the pet name or the single name. If pet name or single name is written then the player will be treated as unregistered player.
6. Special permission to players will be granted before the start of Dr. H. D. Kanga League 2019-20 for particular division having Kanga knockout clubs and want to represent E, F or G Division in Dr. H. D. Kanga League 2019-20.
7. If player has any change in permanent address lying under the jurisdiction of MCA (Mumbai and Thane District, extending upto Palghar district in western suburb, Badlapur in Central suburb and Navi Mumbai upto and including Kharghar), it is player / respective Club Secretary ‘s duty to inform MCA and get it changed till 2nd August 2019.
First-aid facility is provided by Mumbai Cricket Association and for any emergency contact at the following spots:
Oval Maidan
Cross Maidan
Azad Maidan
Shivaji Park Maidan
Dadkar Maidan (Matunga)
1. Name of the Tournament
The tournament shall be called Dr. H. D. Kanga Cricket League and shall be controlled, managed and conducted by Mumbai Cricket Association (M. C. A.) through a Committee which shall be appointed by the ADHOC Managing Committee of Mumbai Cricket Association to oversee the tournament.
2. Club/Gymkhana
In these rules the term Club/Gymkhana shall include an Association affiliated to the Mumbai Cricket Association.
3. Divisions - Clubs/Gymkhanas participating in each division.
i. Dr. H. D. Kanga Cricket League shall consist of not more than 98 Clubs/Gymkhanas in all, which shall be divided into 7 divisions viz. and each division shall consist of 14 Clubs/Gymkhanas.
ii. At the end of the League, 4 teams at the bottom of the table in ‘G’ division shall be relegated to Dr H D Kanga Knockout Cricket Tournament and four teams from the Dr H D Kanga Knockout Cricket Tournament will qualify for Dr H D Kanga Cricket League next year.
4. Participation in League
Unless otherwise resolved by the Association, Dr. H. D. Kanga Cricket League and Dr H D Kanga Knockout Cricket Tournament shall be open only to those affiliated Clubs which are classified as maidan clubs with the Association.
5. Entry Form and Entry Fees
a. Any Club/Gymkhana desirous of participating in Dr. H. D. Kanga Cricket League shall fill the entry form. The entry forms will be made available and it shall be the sole responsibility of the Clubs/ Gymkhanas to ensure that the same reaches the office of Mumbai Cricket Association within the stipulated time period. Mumbai Cricket Association under-takes no responsibility for sending intimation to each Member Club/Gymkhana separately, but a press note to this effect may be issued on Association's website.
b. Acceptance of entry form does not automatically make the Club/Gymkhana eligible to play in the League. The ADHOC Managing Committee of the Mumbai Cricket Association reserves the right to accept or reject any entry without assigning any reason before the start of the League.
6. Entry in Tournament
Each Club/Gymkhana will send only one entry.
7. Eligibility
a. Every Team will include only registered players with the MCA to play for their club in the tournament.
b. It will be duty of the player to ensure that he is registered with MCA when playing for the club and it will be duty of the secretary of club to ensure that he is registered for the club for which he is playing. Any club found to violating this rule will face following action.

i) The team will cease to participate in the tournament and the points scored by all teams of that division will be treated as null and void.

ii) The team will be demoted to lower division.

iii) The player will face disciplinary action as per the rules regarding registration of players.
c. Every player playing for a Club/Gymkhana in the League shall be bonafide resident of Brihan Mumbai, Thane District and Palghar District. Honorary Secretary of the Club/Gymkhana shall see that the registration card of the players is carried by him during matches, if required for verification.
8. Availability of Grounds For Association
a. Clubs/Gymkhanas participating in the League shall be bound to place at the disposal of Dr. H. D. Kanga Cricket League Sub Committee their grounds and amenities pertaining thereto such as prepared pitch, shed/pavilion/tent, tables, chairs, score-boards etc. belonging to them for the matches. Clubs/Gymkhanas have to provide at least 30 chairs for each match.
b. Clubs/Gymkhanas are also requested to prepare two pitches on the plot so as to help the umpires to play the match on second pitch, in case the play is not possible on the pitch already prepared.
c. In case of an adverse report from Umpires about the ground and the amenities provided, the Clubs playing the match will deposit the ground hire charges in the office of M. C. A. and the defaulting Club will be fined as per charges in Rule 9 (a) Ground Charges.
9. Payments
a. Ground Charges (per day to be shard by both the teams).
Type of Ground Structure
i) Ground with tents (minimum 30 chairs, 4 tables, proper scoreboard)
Rs. 3500/- + GST
ii) Ground with semi permanent structure (with pavilion, electricity and drinking water facility)
Rs. 4000/- + GST
iii) Gymkhanas like Hindu, Islam, Parsee, Police, MIG etc. (with Pavilion and catering facility)
Rs. 4500/- + GST
b. If a match is abandoned before starting time of the match i.e. (10.15 am on Sunday/Bank holiday) without a ball being bowled, with both the teams on ground, each Club/Gymkhana shall pay ground charges as mentioned in 9(a).
10 a. Award of Points
Points shall be awarded as per the table mentioned below
Outright win
5 Points
First Innings win but no outright result
3 Points
Loss on First Innings
0 Point
Tie on First Innings without outright result
1 Point
Tie on both Innings
2 Points
Outright loss
-1 Point
First Innings result not obtained with or without weather interference
1 Point
Innings Win / Win by 10 wickets
1 Bonus Point
i. If a match is abandoned after starting time of the match i.e. (10.15 am on Sunday/ Bank holiday) without a ball being bowled, with both the teams on ground, each Club/Gymkhana shall pay ground charges as mentioned in 9 (a)
ii. The Umpires shall be appointed by the Board of Umpires of the Mumbai Cricket Association and they shall be paid by the Association an honorarium of Rs. 1500/- per day, inclusive of traveling and other expenses as per the system of Association. The charges set out in Rule 9(a),& 9(b) shall be paid immediately after the conclusion or abandonment of the match. In case of complaint for the ground, Umpires shall mention its grievances to ADHOC Managing Committee of Mumbai Cricket Association or its nominated members.
10 b. Promotion and Relegation :
Three Clubs/Gymkhanas at the top of the (B-Div), (C-Div), (D-Div), (E-Div), (F-Div) and (G-Div) divisions shall be promoted in each succeeding year to divisions (A-Div), (B-Div), (C-Div), (D-Div), (E-Div)and (F-Div) respectively and three Clubs/Gymkhanas atthe bottom of each of the (A-Div), (A-Div), (B-Div), (C-Div), (D-Div), (E-Div)and (F-Div) divisions shall be relegated to (B-Div), (C-Div), (D-Div), (E-Div), (F-Div) and (G-Div) divisions respectively. Dr. H. D. Kanga Cricket League Sub Committee however reserves the right to promote/ relegate more or less Clubs/Gymkhanas in any division, if action is taken against any Club/Gymkhana as provided in Rule14 and Rule 15 hereafter or if a Club/Gymkhana is readmitted after the expiry of the period of the debarment as provided hereafter in Rule 16 and under Rule 18 or if a Club/Gymkhana which is already participating does not enter in the League in a particular year.

Please note that this year 4 teams from G Division will be relegated to Dr. H.D. Kanga Knockout Cricket Tournament.

c. For the purpose of promotion/relagation if two or more Clubs/Gymkhanas in a particular division secure equal number of points, their relative positions in the table of points shall be determined by the quotient. The quotient of a Club/Gymkhana shall be obtained by dividing the total number of runs scored by the total number of wickets lost. The quotient against a Club/Gymkhana shall be obtained by dividing the total number of runs scored against by the total number of wickets taken. The former shall be divided by the later and the Club/Gymkhana having a higher quotient shall be placed above the Club/ Gymkhana having a lower quotient. For the purpose of computing quotient a side declaring its innings closed shall be deemed to have lost the number of wickets that have actually fallen. In case, a team has played with less than 11 players, it shall be deemed to have lost all the 10 wickets when its innings was terminated.
d. If in any year, the maximum number of matches played are less than fi ve in any Division, the Rule 11(b) for the promotion and relegation of Clubs/Gymkhanas will be suspended that year. For this only the cancellation of the matches by Mumbai Cricket Association on the eve of the programme will be displayed on Association's website after 6.00 p.m. and shall count as the matches abandoned (not played).
e. If Club/Gymkhana which was stopped participating in the League wishes to enter again, it shall be placed in the lowest division of the League irrespective of the division in which that Club/Gymkhana was playing at the time when it stopped participating, provided however, that Club/ Gymkhana at that time was not relegated from the (G-Div) having finished low in the table of points in which case the Club/Gymkhana will have to play in the knockout rounds to qualify again to be placed in the last division of the League proper.
f. In case of the tie for the Championship in any division because of securing equal number of points the Championship shall be determined by quotient to be worked out as stated in Rule 11(c) above. If quotient obtained are also equal then the position will be decided by the spin of coin.
11. Score Sheets
a. Every participating Club/Gymkhanas shall ensure that Mumbai Cricket Association’s official scorer will submit the completed scoresheet signed by team captains, umpires and scorers with number of balls used and signed by umpires in the MCA office immediately on completion of the match.
b. Umpires will sign on the completed score sheet alongwith number of balls used in the match and scores written in figures and words which is filled in by the official scorer appointed by Mumbai Cricket Association.
12. Withdrawal
a. Any Club/Gymkhana after having sent an entry in the League and having been selected to participate in the League desires to withdraw from the League shall give an intimation in writing to Mumbai Cricket Association atleast 15 clear days prior to the commencement of the League.
b. No withdrawal may be permitted thereafter unless the ADHOC Managing Committee of Mumbai Cricket Association is convinced of such withdrawal.
c. If the Club/Gymkhana still desires to withdraw within 15 days of the start of the League, then they must intimate to the Mumbai Cricket Association accordingly along with a penalty of Rs.5,000/- which shall be deposited with the Association.
d. In addition the Club/Gymkhana withdrawing shall pay half the share of the ground charges and Umpire’s charges for the match, if applicable, at the time of withdrawal.
e. Failure to pay the fine within 4 days of the above default shall result in the Club/Gymkhana being removed from all the tournaments of the Association for the season and further one year in the same division.
f. However the Club/Gymkhana withdrawing as such wishes to re-enter next year then they shall be allowed to re-enter in the League as stipulated in Rule 10(e) above.
13. Walkover / Conceding the Match
a. Club/Gymkhana giving a walkover in a match/conceding a match of the League/knockout shall be disqualified from further participation in the League/knockout and points already scored by the Club/Gymkhana against the team being disqualified shall stand and the teams who are yet to play against the disqualified team will get 3 points like the team leading on the first innings and both the innings not completed as mentioned in ‘award of points’.
b. Such Club/Gymkhana who has been disqualified shall be debarred from participating in the League for next three years.

If the Club/Gymkhana desires to participate again in League shall start their participation from Knockout only after the expiry of the period of being debarred.

c. The Captain of such Club/Gymkhana shall be debarred for one year from participating in the League.
14. Interpretation of Rules
The interpretation of these Rules, construction and effects shall rest entirely with ADHOC Managing Committee of Mumbai Cricket Association whose decisions on all matters whether covered or not by the Rules, shall be final and binding on all participating Clubs/Gymkhanas.
The tournament will be played as per the Kanga League rules and in case any ambiguity, the model rules (including rules of registration of players) of MCA existing as on the day of first match will be applicable. The rules of the tournament will not be changed once the first match of the tournament is played. No change in the rules regarding registration of players / model rules will be applicable during the tournament after the first match of the tournament is played.
15. Protest
a. A protest must be lodged within 48 hours after the completion of the match at the office of the Mumbai Cricket Association and must be accompanied by protest fee of Rs.1,770/- including GST which shall be refunded if the protest is upheld. Such protest shall be dealt at the earliest by Mumbai Cricket Association.
b. ADHOC Managing Committee Members of Mumbai Cricket Association or its nominated members shall be the sole judge of all the protests and disputes in the tournament. The committee is empowered to investigate any complaint either on its own or a protest received from the participating Club/Gymkhana.
c. The ADHOC Managing Committee Members of Mumbai Cricket Association or its nominated members shall take appropriate action including levy such penalty as it may deem fit on the participating Club/Gymkhana if
i. They do not make the payments for ground and umpires and,
ii. They resort to unfair play and either gain or give undue advantage to another Club/Gymkhana participating in the League.
d. ADHOC Managing Committee Members of Mumbai Cricket Association or its nominated members shall also be entitled at its discretion to vary, alter or cancel the points gained by the Club/Gymkhana found guilty or to relegate either or both the Clubs/Gymkhanas to a division lower than its/their standing and if either Club/Gymkhana is already facing relegation before the action is taken to relegate it to a division further lower than in which it would have played after the relegation. ADHOC Managing Committee Members of Mumbai Cricket Association or its nominated members shall follow the Rules of natural justice.
16. Power to Ammend Rules
ADHOC Managing Committee Members of Mumbai Cricket Association or its nominated members shall be entitled to add, alter, cancel or otherwise amend the rules as and when it thinks fit, subject to the ratification by the Managing Committee of Mumbai Cricket Association.
Rules framed by ADHOC Managing Committee Members of Mumbai Cricket Association for Dr. H.D. Kanga Cricket League are final and binding to all the Teams/Participants.
Click Here to view/download Dr. H.D. Kanga Cricket League Playing Conditions.
Code of Conduct
1) Captains or deputies acting as captains are responsible at all times for ensuring that the play is conducted within the spirit of the game as well as within the Laws.
2) Players and team officials of the playing teams shall not at any time engaged in conduct which would bring them or their team or the game into disrepute.
3) Players and team officials shall at all times accept the umpire's decision; players must not show dissent either verbally or by action at the umpire's decision.
4) Players and team officials shall not intimidate assault or attempt to intimidate or assault an umpire, another player or spectator.
5) Players and team officials shall not use crude or abusive language (known as sledging) nor make offensive gestures.
6) Players and team officials shall not disclose or comment upon any alleged breach of the code or upon any hearing, report or decision arising from such breach.
7) Players and team officials shall not make any public pronouncement or media comment which is detrimental to the match which is taking place.
8) Players and team officials shall not engage, directly or indirectly, in betting, gambling or any form of financial speculation on the outcome of any cricket match to which this code applies and in which the player is a participant or with which a team official is associated or on any event which, in the opinion of the referee, shall be connected with any such cricket match the purpose (or pretended purpose) of which is to benefit such player or team official either directly or indirectly, whether financially or otherwise. Players and team officials shall not accept any form of inducement which is considered by the referee to be likely to effect the performance of any player involved in any such cricket match adversely.
9) Any player, official or umpire shall not consume any intoxicating substance in any form during the course of the match.
Offences and Penalties
Level I:
1. The offences set out at 2 to 7 below are Level I offences. The penalty for a Level I Offence shall be an official reprimand and or Ban for 1 or 2 matches (proposed).
2. Abuse a cricket equipment or clothing, ground equipment or fixtures and fitting.
3. Using language that is obscene, offensive or insulting and or making of an obscene gesture, to another player, umpire, observer, team official or spectator. (Language will be interpreted to include gesture)
4. Excessive appealing, charging or advancing towards umpire in an aggressive manner.
5. Pointing or gesturing towards the pavilion in an aggressive manner by a bowler or other member of the fielding side upon the dismissal of a batsman.
6. Public criticism of inappropriate comment on a match related incident or match official.
7. Any conduct, not covered above, that is contrary to the spirit of the game and/or brings the game into disrepute.
Level II: Repeat of all Level I offences plus as listed below:
1. The offences set out in 2 to 10 below are level II offences. The Penalty for a Level II offence shall be ban of 2 or more matches (proposed)
2. Repeat of any Level I Offence within 12 months of such offence.
3. Inappropriate and deliberate physical contact between players in the course of play.
4. Deliberate and malicious distraction or obstruction on the field of play (this supplements and does not replace multiday matches and LOM playing conditions clauses 42.2 & 42.3)
5. Throwing the ball at or near a player, umpire or official in an inappropriate and / or dangerous manner.
6. Changing the condition of the ball in breach of law 42.3
7. Any attempt to manipulate a match regard to the result, net run rate, bonus points, runs scored or wickets taken or otherwise. The captain of any team guilty of such conduct shall be held responsible.
8. Intimidation of an Umpire or Observer whether by language or conduct.
9. Threat of assault on another player, Team Official Umpire or Spectator.
10. Using any language or gesture that offends insults, humiliates, intimidates, threatens, disparages, or vilifies another person on the basis of that person's race, religion, gender, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin.
11. Any conduct of a serious nature, not covered above, that is contrary to the spirit of the game and/or brings the game into disrepute.
Level III: Repeat of all of Level I & II offences plus as listed below:
1. The Offences set out at 2 to 4 below are level III offences. The penalty for level III offences shall be a ban of 5 Multi Day matches to 10 one day matches up to a life ban for the player or official concerned (proposed)
2. Physical assault of another player, Umpire, Referee, Official or Spectator.
3. Any act of Violence on the field of play.
4. Using any language or gestures that seriously offends, insults, humiliates, intimidates, threatens, disparages or vilifies another person on the basis of the person's race, religion, gender, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin.
5. Any conduct of an overwhelmingly serious nature, not covered above that is contrary to the spirit of the game and/or brings the game into disrepute.
All offences listed herein shall be dealt with by the Disciplinary Committee Constituted by the MCA and their decision shall be final and binding.
Special Instruction for Umpires:
1. Umpires responsible for any mistake / error as regards to MCC Laws of Cricket 2017 Code, Edition 2019 and / or model rules of M.C.A. or Kanga League Rules shall be subject to action appropriate with the offence listed.
2. Behaviour / Discipline required within the Spirit of Law.
3. Following the guidelines of Model Rules for conducting of all the tournaments under auspices of M.C.A..
4. Umpires shall not accept any form of indictment which is likely to affect the result of the match. Also shall not engage directly or indirectly in betting, gambling or any form of financial speculation on the outcome of the cricket match or tournament to which this code applies.
Observers are appointed by the Hon. Secretary, Board of Umpires as notified in the fixture book for various matches on grounds scheduled to be played within their jurisdiction to perform duties as listed below.
1. They shall remain present at the venues as mentioned in the fixture book at least 60 minutes before the scheduled start of the matches every day and inspect the pitches within their jurisdiction. They shall remain present throughout the day and up to 15 minutes after the scheduled close of play or conclusion of the last match within their jurisdiction whichever is later.
2. They shall check the list of umpires appointed within their jurisdiction and specifically mention the names and location of Umpires who remain absent within their jurisdiction.
3. They shall appoint reserve Umpire/s who has reported at their head quarters in place of umpires/s who does/do not turn up at least 20 minutes before the scheduled start.
4. In case matches do not start on time due to ground conditions, observers shall inspect the pitch/es themselves along with the umpires and guide the concerned umpires about possibility of starting that match keeping in mind that the matches in Kanga League are played on wet pitches. Their vigilance shall ensure that the matches are played in true spirit which will stop alleged malpractices.
5. They shall visit all the grounds within their jurisdiction at least once in each session to ensure that the matches are played within the rules and playing conditions of the Kanga League, if it silent then Model Rules of the Mumbai Cricket Association in force as on date shall apply and if both are also silent then the M.C.C. Laws of Cricket 2017 Code, Edition 2019 shall apply. However they shall not interfere with the duties of on field umpires.
6. They shall intervene without anybody's appeal, discuss with the officiating umpires in case of unfair play and enlighten them about the actions provided in the laws.
7. They shall conduct an enquiry on the same evening if any report about the misbehavior by any player/official within their jurisdiction is reported and forward detailed report to the Association within 24 hours.
They shall act as arbitrators in case of any technical difficulty or dispute during the course of the match and their decision shall be final and binding on both the participating teams.
8. They shall certify on the appointment letter of the reserve umpire whether or not the reserve umpire substituted the Umpire who remain absent on the day.
9. They shall prepare their administrative reports alongwith the concerned umpires separately for each match in the prescribed proforma and forward the same in the sealed envelope to the office of Mumbai Cricket Association within next three working days and obtain acknowledgment.
10. Observers shall insist for exchange of teams in a prescribed format (not on any piece of paper) at the time of toss and get the list of nominations from both the teams of further submission to the Association alongwith their reports.
11. In case of matches not starting on the scheduled time, observers must insist upon all the umpires within their jurisdiction that they shall wait till such time as it is to start play.
12. Observers and officiating umpires also must record the no. of lost balls and new balls used on the official score-sheets with their signatures.
13. Observers and the officiating umpires must ensure that the score-sheets are completed in all respects before affixing their signatures.

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