MCA :: Dr. H.D. Kanga Cricket League
Kanga League
MCA Poll
Will India, win the Test Series against England?
Can't Say
2018 P.J. Hindu Gymkhana
2017 Cricket Club of India
2016 -----------------------
2015 Sind Sports Club
2014 Parkophene Cricketers
2013 Parsee Gymkhana
2012 Muslim United Sports Club
2011 -----------------------
2010 -----------------------
2009 Cricket Club of India
2008 Payyade S.C.
2007 Apollo C.C.
2006 -----------------------
2005 Maskati C. C.
2004 Karnataka S. A.
2003 C. C. I.
2002 Sind S. C.
2001 Dadar Union S. C.
2000 Victory C. C.
1999 Parsee Gymkhana
1996 -----------------------
1995 Dadar Union S. C.
1994 Young Comrade C. C.
1993 Islam Gymkhana
1992 Shantibhai Seth Memorial C. C.
1991 Fort Vijay C. C.
1990 New Hindu C. C.
1989 M. B. Union C. C.
1988 National C. C.
1987 Parsee Cyclists S. C.
1986 Young Maharashtra C. C.
1985 Sunder C. C.
1984 Fort Vijay C. C.
1983 -----------------------
1982 National C. C.
1981 Sunder C. C.
1980 Gaud Saraswat C. C.
1979 United C. C.
1978 Khar Gymkhana
1977 United Cricketers
1976 Rajasthan S. C.
1975 Khar Gymkhana
1974 Rajasthan S. C.
1973 Shivaji Park Youngsters
1972 Fort Vijay C. C.
1971 Khar Gymkhana
1970 Young Maharashtra C. C.
1969 Parsee Gymkhana
1968 Sunder C. C.
1967 Khar Gymkhana
1966 Naoroz C. C.
1965 Indian Gymkhana
1964 Evergreen S. C. & Catholic Gymkhana
1963 Khar Gymkhana
1962 Oriental C. C.
1961 Mahim Juvenile S. C.
1960 New Hind S. C. & Gaud Saraswat C. C.
1959 Khar Gymkhana
1958 United C. C.
1957 National C. C.
1956 Islam Gymkhana & Matunga Gymkhana
1955 Gaud Saraswat C. C. & New Hind S. C.
1954 National Brotherhood & National C. C.
1953 C. C. I. & Maharashtra Young Cricketers
1952 National C. C. & Mahim Juvenile S. C.
1951 Gaud Saraswat C. C. & Bombay City Police
1950 Parsee Cyclists S. C. & Bombay City Police
1949 National C. C. & Gaud Saraswat C. C.
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