MCA :: Dr. H.D. Kanga Cricket League
Kanga League
MCA Poll
Will India, win the Test Series against England?
Can't Say
2018 Matunga Gymkhana
2017 New Hindu Cricket Club
2016 -----------------------
2015 Goregaon Sports Club
2014 Juhu Vile Parle Gymkhana
2013 Ghatkopar Jolly Gymkhana
2012 Bhatnagar Sports and Cultural Foundation
2011 -----------------------
2010 -----------------------
2009 Bohra Cricketers
2008 Regal C.C.
2007 Sainath S.C.
2006 -----------------------
2005 Palghar Dahanu Taluka S. A.
2004 Payyade S. C.
2003 Parel Sporting C. C.
2002 Maskati C. C.
2001 Prabhu Jolly Young Cricketers
1999 Sunrise S. C.
1996 -----------------------
1995 Wellington C. C.
1994 United Friends S. C.
1993 Gamdevi Cricketers
1992 Prabhu Jolly Young Cricketers
1991 Koli Combined Cricket XI
1990 Sportsmen C. C. (Kalyan)
1989 Old Podarites C. C.
1988 Kamath Memorial C. C.
1987 M. I. G. C. C.
1986 Young Stars (Marine Drive)
1985 Fort Youngsters
1984 M. V. S. C.
1983 -----------------------
1982 John Bright C. C.
1981 Brother’s Club
1980 Dahisar S. C.
1979 Shree Shivaji C. C. (Kurla)
1978 Young Friends C. C.
1977 Esplanade Liberals C. C.
1976 Shantibhai Seth Memorial C. C.
1975 Young Zoroastrian C. C.
1974 Young Friends C. C.
1973 Ghatkopar Jolly Gymkhana
1972 Old Podarites C. C.
1971 Sportsmen C. C. (Vasai)
1970 Bharat C. C.
1969 Parsee Pioneer C. H. & F. Club
1968 Maskati C. C.
1967 Friend’s Union S. C.
1966 Shivaji Park Youngsters
1965 G. S. B. S. C.
1964 Shantibhai Seth Memorial C. C.
1963 Merry Youngsters
1962 Oriental C. C.
1961 Our Own Club
1960 New Social Union C. C. & Friends C. C.
1959 Elphinstone C. C.
1958 United Cricketers & Young Maharashtra C. C.
1957 Y. M. C. A. & Daivadnya C. C.
1956 Parel Sporting Club & Muslim United S. C.
1955 Rajasthan S. C., New Hindu C. C. & United Cricketers
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