
How many runs did Rohit Sharma scored in ICC Cricket World Cup 2023?

A.  665
B.  597
C.  474
D.  348

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News Archive
Tender for LED Floodlighting system with DMX controls at Wankhede Stadium
Wednesday, June 21 2023
MCA News
1. Invitation
Sealed tenders are invited for the proposed LED Floodlighting system with DMX controls at Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai. The scope of work is described in the tender document.
2. Procedure for obtaining the tender document
Tender Documents can be obtained from the MCA Office against payment of Rs.15,000/- which is non-refundable. Payment can be made in cash or by bank transfer to the following bank account:
Beneficiary’s name: Mumbai Cricket Association
Bank name: Indian Overseas Bank
Branch: New Marine Lines
Savings A/C no.: 030101000019790
RTGS/IFC Code: IOBA0000301
GST no.:27AAAAM0223A1ZH
3. Dates for sale, submission and opening of bids
Tender document will be available in MCA office from 22nd June 2023 to 27th June 2023
Tenders duly completed should be submitted at the MCA Office between 11.00 am and 6.00 pm on any working day. The last date for submission of bid is 27th June 2023
Technical bids will be first opened during office hours as per the convenience of MCA.
Commercial bids will be opened of those bidders who meet the qualification criteria on during office hours as per the convenience of MCA.
4. Earnest Money Deposit
Rs.10,00,000/- by Demand Draft (DD) in favor of “MUMBAI CRICKET ASSOCIATION” payable at Mumbai along with submission of bid. The DD should be drawn on a scheduled bank and should be put into a separate sealed envelope with the name of work and name of the bidder clearly written on it. This envelope should be put in another envelope containing the bid, which should be sealed.
5. Security Deposit
Successful bidder shall furnish Security deposit @ 10% of the contract price, by demand draft in favour of “MUMBAI CRICKET ASSOCIATION” payable at Mumbai, however, Earnest Money Deposit shall be converted as Security Deposit and difference in amount shall be adjusted accordingly.
Security deposit shall be released after the total retention amount deducted from the successful bidders (hereinafter referred to as “Contractor”’) bills equals the amount of security deposit.
6. Performance Bank Guarantee :
Successful bidder shall submit Performance Bank Guarantee @ 10% of contract price, validity shall be initially for one year thereafter shall be extended covering DLP & performance period of 5 years.
7. Commencement of work
Immediately from the date of issuance of work order.
8. Time frame
The time frame for the completion of work shall be 75 days from the date of issuance of work order.
9. Billing and payments
R.A. Bills amount should not be less than 25 lakh.
Interim bills shall be certified within 10 days from the date of their receipt in the prescribed format with required enclosures such as supporting document/s, challans, materials consumption sheets, design/s, calculation/s and sketches of measurement.
The Final bill shall be certified within 30 days from the date of their receipt in the prescribed format with required enclosures such as all bill supporting documents, challans, and materials consumption sheets, designs, calculations and sketches of measurement marking which shall be attached with respective R.A. Bill and Final Bill.
All incoming and outgoing materials including empty containers and bags challans will have to be signed by duly authorized MCA manager/Supervisor and entered into register which shall be in the custody of MCA.
Final bill shall be paid within 30 days from its date of certification by the Consultant.
After issuing of LOI, successful bidder shall submit billing breakup for approval by MCA.
Supply part:
a) 80% against delivery of materials as per unit rate of approved billing breakup.
b) 10% against successful erection of work as per unit rate of approved billing breakup.
c) Balance 10% shall be released after successful commissioning and handing over of complete system as per unit rate of approved billing breakup.
Erection, commissioning, handing over of system:
a) 80% against erection as per unit rate of approved billing breakup.
b) 10% against successful commissioning of system as per unit rate approved billing breakup.
c) Balance 10% shall be released after successful handing over of complete system.
10. Retention
Retention money @ 5% of the gross value of work certified in each bill shall be deducted progressively.
Retention money shall be released at the end of the Defect Liability Period/Guarantee Period after all the defects, if any, have been rectified. Retention amount can also be released against Bank Guarantee submitted by bidder for the stipulated performance guarantee period. This will be without prejudice to all other rights and/or claims of Mumbai Cricket Association relating to the quality of work done by the Contractor.
11. Right of acceptance/rejection
MCA reserves the right to accept any bid or reject any or all bids or to postpone or cancel the work without assigning any reason to do so and does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any bid.
12. Validity period
The bids shall remain valid for a period of 60 days from the stipulated last date of submission of bids.
13. Defect liability period
12 months from the date of the final bill / Handing over of complete system as certified by the Consultant for entire work.
Ajinkya Naik
Deepak Patil
Jt. Secretary
News 332 of 2307