
How many runs did Rohit Sharma scored in ICC Cricket World Cup 2023?

A.  665
B.  597
C.  474
D.  348

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Notice Inviting Quotation for hiring various services during ICC CRICKET WORLD CUP 2023 matches at Wankhede Stadium
Friday, October 13 2023
MCA News
Mumbai Cricket Association invites quotes from reputed agencies for hiring of following services during ICC CRICKET WORLD CUP 2023 Matches (5 Matches) to be played at Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai.
* Construction & Management of Hospitality Area
* Miscellaneous Services at Hospitality Area
The Quote duly filled as per the downloadable format should be submitted alongwith Company Profile in sealed envelope to the office of Mumbai Cricket Association on or before Monday, 16th October 2023 by 05.00 pm. The Mumbai Cricket Association reserves the rights to accept / reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof.
Mumbai Cricket Association
3rd Floor, Cricket Centre,
Wankhede Stadium,
D Road, Churchgate,
Mumbai 400 020.
Contact No. (022) 2279 5500
Click here for format.
Ajinkya Naik
Deepak Patil
Jt. Secretary
News 264 of 2307