
How many runs did Rohit Sharma scored in ICC Cricket World Cup 2023?

A.  665
B.  597
C.  474
D.  348

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Resolutions passed by the Apex Council
28th October 2022
“IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED THAT a Special General Meeting of the Association be held to conduct the election for the post of Vice President of the Association.”
“IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that all existing Saving Accounts with banks including fixed deposits in the name of the Association and new Bank Accounts to be opened with any bank be operated by the following new signatories:
Treasurer Shri Arman Mallick along with the Joint Secretary Shri Deepak Patil and in the absence of the Joint Secretary, by the Secretary Shri Ajinkya Naik.”
“IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the banks be and are hereby authorized to honor all cheques signed and issued prior to this resolution as those are validly drawn and issued on behalf of the Mumbai Cricket Association in the normal course for the purpose of day-to-day working.”
“IT IS RESOLVED THAT Mr. Ajinkya Naik being the Secretary of the Association and Mr. Deepak Patil being the Jt. Secretary of the Association are hereby severally authorized to represent the Mumbai Cricket Association in all court cases concerning the Association and give evidence for and on behalf of the Association and to sign, affirm, verify, declare all necessary pleadings including petitions, affidavits therein as may be necessary.”