
How many runs did Rohit Sharma scored in ICC Cricket World Cup 2023?

A.  665
B.  597
C.  474
D.  348

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Resolutions passed by the Apex Council
1. 4th October 2019
“IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that Mr. Sanjay Madhukar Naik is appointed as the representative of Mumbai Cricket Association to attend the Annual General Meeting of the BCCI to be held on 23rd October 2019.”
“IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that Mr. Sanjay Madhukar Naik shall vote as the representative of Mumbai Cricket Association at the BCCI elections to be held on 23rd October 2019.”
2. 10th October 2019
“IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that all existing Saving Accounts with banks including fixed deposits in the name of the Association and new Bank Accounts to be opened with any bank be operated by the following signatories:
Treasurer Shri Jagdish Achrekar along with the Joint Secretary Shri Shahalam Shaikh and in the absence of the Joint Secretary, by the Secretary Shri Sanjay Naik.”
“IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the banks be and are hereby authorized to honor all cheques signed and issued prior to this resolution as those are validly drawn and issued on behalf of the Mumbai Cricket Association in the normal course for the purpose of day-to-day working.”
“RESOLVED THAT the Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Chandrakant S. Naik, be and is authorised to sign (including by way of affixing his digital signature) all papers, documents, returns, forms, appeal memos, petitions, etc. with various statutory authorities such as MCGM, Provident Fund, Goods and Service Tax Authorities, Income Tax Authorities, etc. in due discharge of various statutory compliances and his actions shall be binding on the Association”.
3. 1st November 2019
  “IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that Mr. Amol Kale is appointed as the representative of Mumbai Cricket Association to attend the Annual General Meeting of the BCCI to be held on 1st December 2019.”
4. 20th November 2019
“IT IS RESOLVED THAT Interlocutory Application no. 98955 of 2019 filed before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India may be proceeded with and orders be sought.”
“IT IS RESOLVED THAT Mr. Sanjay Naik being the Secretary of the Association and Mr. Chandrakant Naik being the Chief Executive Officer of the Association are hereby severally authorized to represent the Mumbai Cricket Association in all court cases concerning the Association and give evidence for and on behalf of the Association and to sign, affirm, verify, declare all necessary pleadings including petitions, affidavits therein as may be necessary.”
5. 11th February 2020
“IT WAS RESOLVED THAT as per the provisions of Section 35 of CGST Act 2017, to be read with applicable provisions, rules and regulations framed and amended from time to time being in force under the Act, the Apex Council appoint M/s. Gokhale & Sathe, Chartered Accountant firm to act as GST auditor for the Association for financial year 2017-18 and 2018-19.”
“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Treasurer is authorized to finalize the remuneration with Auditor for GST audit.”
“RESOLVED THAT the Apex Council approves to invest surplus fund in LIC Housing Finance Ltd - Public Deposit Scheme.”
“FURTHER RESOLVED THAT any one of Secretary or Joint Secretary with Treasurer JOINTLY are hereby authorized to sign the necessary forms etc in this connection.”
6. 15th December 2020
“IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that Mr. Chandrakant Shankar Naik, Executive Secretary of Mumbai Cricket Association be authorised to sign the Statutory Returns, Papers, Response on behalf of Association due under Income Tax Law and Goods and Service Tax Law.”
7. 26th December 2020
"RESOLVED that the sum of Rs.43,98,353/- or such sum as may be determined by the assessing officer for the Accounting Year Ended 31st March 2019 i.e. for Assessment Year 2019-2020 be and is hereby accumulated for a period of 5 subsequent years to be utilised for following purposes:
  To carry out major Repairs and Maintenance work and provide Medical and Educational Aid.”
"RESOLVED that the sum of Rs.40,00,00,000 (Rupees Forty Crores only) or such higher sum as may be determined by the assessing officer for the Financial Year Ended 31st March 2020 i.e. for Assessment Year 2020-2021 be and is hereby accumulated for a period of Five subsequent years to be utilised for following purposes:
  To Augment Cricket Infrastructure of the Association”
8. 28th January 2021
Resolved that, CA Gokhale & Sathe be and is hereby appointed to conduct the audit of the provisional accounts for the financial year 2019-20 the purpose of issuance of report in form 10B for compliance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act even if it is on the basis of such provisional accounts”
resolved that the unspent surplus (if any) remaining after allowing all relief u/s 11(1)(a) that may be available as per the tax computation, as presently computed provisionally or as may be determined eventually in the course of assessment; be and is hereby authorised to be accumulated and set apart for the purpose of meeting requirements of the Association for augmenting cricket infrastructure within the jurisdiction of the Association.
Resolved that the Honorary Treasurer and /or the Secretary be and are hereby authorised to get prepared from CA Gokhale & Sathe the income tax return of the Association for A.Y. 2020-21 and to ensure that it is filed in compliance with the requirements of the Income Tax Act, on or before 15th February 2021. Further, the honorary treasurer and /or the secretary be and are hereby authorized to take all such necessary and appropriate steps including signing of the income tax return and Form 10 or such other forms and documents as may be required or considered necessary for ensuring compliance with the said requirements.
Resolved that the unspent surplus remaining after allowing all relief u/s 11(1)(a) that is available as per the tax computation, as presently computed or as may be determined eventually in the course of assessment; be and is hereby authorised to be accumulated and set apart for the purpose of meeting requirements of the Association for augmenting cricket infrastructure within the jurisdiction of the Association”.